Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1986 — Saint Louis School is Official Name [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Saint Louis School is Official Name

It is now officially Saint Louis School and its new address is 3142 rather than 3140 Waialae Avenue. These changes were recently approved and inaugurated by the Saint Louis Board of T rustees under Chairman Stanley W. Hong. According to a press release, Saint Louis School more accurately reflects the Catholic Marianist school for young men whieh includes not only high school, but also grades seven and eight. The address change eame about because of the dissolution of joint services that prior to July 1 were provided by the St. Louis — Chaminade Education Center. Beginning July 1, eaeh institution began its own services, including mailroom facilities. The St. Louis-Chaminade Education Center remains the underlying non-profit chairitable corporation for the two divisions. Real property and other tangible assets of the Kalaepohaku campus continue to be govemed by the St. Louis-Chaminade Education Center Board of Directors, a majority of whom are members of the Society of Mary (Marianists). St. Louis College and later St. Louis High School are officially no more on paper. But it would be more than safe to say that the great tradition, spirit and dedication of many of its graduates will linger in the minds and hearts of those great Crusaders who excelled on both the fields of academic and athletics. Remember! It is now Saint Louis School at 3142 Waialae Avenue.

Some of the New Zealand food products displayed at the Trade and Cultural Expo held June 29-July 1 at the Waikiki Sheraton Hotel. Pictured are beef, lamb, New Zealand wine, fruits and other meat and lamb by-products.