Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 7, 1 July 1986 — Free Basic Skills Courses Avaiiable [ARTICLE]
Free Basic Skills Courses Avaiiable
Understanding the basics of math, English and reading wili help in looking for a job, seeking a promotion or applying for college. To help anyone achieve these goals, The Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate and the Department of Education's adult evening program are offering free basic skills courses to adults who would like to eam their high school diplomas, or who would like to improve their writing, reading, grammar and math skills. Courses are continuously being offered at these locations: • The Kamehameha Schools Kapalama Heights campus. • KEY Project in Kahaluu. • Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center in Punalu'u. AIl three locations offer morning sessions Monday through Thursday. Evening sessions are held at the Kamehameha and Kahalu'u locations Monday through Wednesday. Contact Danny Clark at 842-8279, Kamehameha Continuing Education Program, for full details.