Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 7, 1 July 1986 — Ka Wai Ola O OHA Sports 'New Look' [ARTICLE]

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Ka Wai Ola O OHA Sports 'New Look'

Wheeeeew! Its been a long and oftentime hectic paee in getting out this new expanded version of your Ka Wai Ola O OHA. With a five-day break to see U. S. Air Force Captain Kent Miehael Kamakaaloha Haina, wife and two children off to Lakenheath Air Force Base in England; a bout with the flu bug that kept us at half speed; and submittal of several after deadline stories, we stil! managed to get this issue out although we admit we are a little more than a wee bit late. We're sure you'd be a bit ha'alulu if your own son made his living as pilot of an F-lll fighter bomber. We apologize for some of the dated stories whieh should now read in the past tense. We thank many of you for helping us achieve our first 16-pager. We look for you to continue this kind of activity. Copy deadline remains the 15th of every month be it Saturday, Sunday or holiday. One of the requests in the recent Office of Hawaiian Affairs survey of native Hawaiians wasthat they'd like to see a calendar of events of Hawaiian doings. We weleome the suggestion and we hereby invite Hawaiian organizations to submit to us your respective calendar of events. If you've been reading this issue with less eye strain than previously, don't blame your maka for playing tricks on you. We've also expanded the body type one size bigger for easier reading. The masthead and staff box have been redesigned by Hawaii Hoehi graphics and layout designer Cindy Aona, a 1975 Kamehameha graduate who received her bachelor of fine arts degree from the University of Hawaii in 1981. More revisions are in store. We're sure you'll agree that the first contributions by our staff members in Washington are dandies and we know they11 keep us informed of legislation affecting na po'e Hawaii. There will be other improvements as we move along. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy reading your first 16-page issue. — KSH