Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1986 — Trustees Unanimously Adopt Resolution [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Trustees Unanimously Adopt Resolution

Mary Kawena Pukui: "Outstanding Hawaiian"

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees at its June 20 meeting on Lanai uanimously adopted the following resolution acknowledging the late Mary Abigail Kawena'ulaokalaniaHi'iakaikapolioPelekawahine'aihonua NaleilehuaaPele Wiggin Pukui. Po Puna i ka ua a ka 'awa'awa Kaumaha ka 'opua ua lu'ulu'u Po'ele ka 'aina o Puna. Ua ka lani, ka lani ha'aha'a i ka honua. Puna is darkened in the bitterly cold rain Down cast are the heavy rain clouds The land of Puna is dark The heavens pour down, bending down to touch the earth. NO KA MEA, ma ka la iwakaluakumamakahi o Mei, i ka M.K. 1986, ua hala 'o Mary Kawena Pukui o ho'i akulae moe i ka moe a Niolopua. Ua 'ike maopopo na lehulehu kanaka o keia Moku'aina 'o Hawai'i nei me ka ho'oha'aha'a o ka hae Hawai'i, a me ke kukala ma ka nupepa, pahu ho'olele leo a pahu ho'ike. WHEREAS, on the twenty-first day of May, 1986 A.D., Mary Kawena Pukui passed away in her sleep, at the age of 91, all of the people of this State of Hawaii recognized her passing through the symbolic lowering of the Hawaiian flag and through the announcements made in the newspapers, on radio and television. NO KA MEA, ua kaumaha lu'ulu'u makou nei i ke kumakena no ka ho'oku'u aku la ia ia i ke ola nei. No ka mea, he wahine no'eau a akamai i ka 'olelo makua a me ka nohona kanaka e malama a ha'awi aloha ai. 'O kona hana 'ana, ua 'ike loa 'ia e na po'e ko 'one'i, o 'Amelika i hui pu 'ia a me na po'e 'oko'a o ka honua nei. WHEREAS, we are deeply grieved that she is no longer among us to preserve and to share her knowledge of the Hawaiian language and culture. We will miss her active contributions to our community, to the nation and to the world.

NO KA MEA, koe wale no kona ilina e ho'oulu i ka ho'omau 'ana o ka 'olelo makua a me ka nohona kanaka maloko o ka palapala 'oko'a. He mea mana'olana e ho'oulu i ka 'imi no'eau a na kamali'i, na pua a me na mamo o Hawai'i nei. WHEREAS, her legacy of recorded literature and publications remain to further the continuance of Hawaiian language and culture, it is our hope that they will inspire our children and young people for generations to eome to seek such knowledge and wisdom. Mamuli o kou hope 'ole, 'oko'a ka ho'i,

A ma ka wa kamali'i nei, mihi malu, 'U wale iho no. Aloha 'ino no ka ho'i ke kau mamua. 'U'ina 'ino no ho'i ke kau i hala aku nei. There is no going back, our ways are different. In chi!dhood on/y does one regret in secret, Grieuing alone. Look forward with loue for the season ahead of us. Let pass the season that is gone. NOLAILA, eia no ho'i, ka makemake nui o na Papa Kahu Waiwai o ka Office of Hawaiian Affairs e ho'ohanohano i ka hana 'ana a Mary Kawena Pukui, he wahine ha'aha'a a ha'aheo o na po'e Hawai'i; a NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs wishes to acknowledge the achievements and life of Mary Kawena Pukui as an outstanding Hawaiian; and A EIA NO NAE, e ho'ouna aku i na kope o keia palapala 'Olelo ho'oholo i ka 'ohana a Mary Kawena Pukui a me ka Hale Ho'ike'ike o Pauahi. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the family of the late Mary Kawena Pukui and to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Ina aku la paha i Nunuweuweu, Ka wahine ka'ili pua o Paiaha'a, Alualu pua hala o Kamilopaekanaka He kanaka ka ia no ke ano ahiahi, 'O wau nei la no ke ano kakahiaka, I o ai ka inoa o na kupuna e. Perhaps she is gone to Nunuweuweu My lady who gathers flowers at Paiaha'a, She is gone to seek the hala clusters at Kamilopaekanaka. The other person is perhaps a child of evening hours But I am a child of the morning hours. This I chant that my ancestors may be honored.

This is the photo whieh appears on the front jacket of the album, "Nou E Kawena (For Your Kawena)," and is Mary Kawena Pukui as a teenager.