Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 7, 1 July 1986 — Windward Kupuna ls Woman of the Year [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Windward Kupuna ls Woman of the Year
A kupuna from the Windward district was honored recently by being named Woman of the Year for the Ulupono Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Association. Frances Kim Vasquez, a part Hawaiian who grew up in Waiahole Valley and went to school there, will be going to the ABWA annual convention in Kansas City, Mo., in October. Mrs. Vasquez and other Women of the Y ear winners will be competing for the national title.
Mrs. Vasquez recently completed her first year in the Department of Educations kupuna program at Waiahole Elementary School after 12 years as a teacher at Calvary Episcopal Pre-School in Kaneohe. She is the mother of four children — Ronald L. Kim Jr., anddaughters Rene, Robin and Rhonda Kim. Her husband, Bernard Vasquez, is a superintendent with Sandwich Isle construction. Martin and Minnie Recarte, Mrs. Vasquez' parents, still live in Waiahole.
Frances Kim Vasquez