Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 6, 1 June 1986 — Hawaiian Language lnstructor Needed [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Language lnstructor Needed

Brigham Young University Hawaii campus is seeking a Hawaiian language instructor for its Hawaiian 101 introductory class beginning with the fall semester. Some 75 students had petitioned the campus administration to allow the instruction of Hawaiian language as part of the curriculum. The request granted, the students are now seeking a qualified teacher for a Monday through Friday schedule, 45 minutes a day with a one-half hour language laboratory outside of class time. Because of BYU's accreditation, the instructor must have the proper credentials attesting to his or her ability in teaching Hawaiian langauge. It is hoped this introductory class will lead to advance classes as interest and enrollment grow. Interested applicants should eall Dr. Edward Harvey at the Laie campus, 293-3609.