Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 6, 1 June 1986 — Bermuda Official Takes Local Notes [ARTICLE]

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Bermuda Official Takes Local Notes

Ruth Thomas, a consultant with the Department of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of the Premier of Bermuda, was a recent visitor to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. She was especially interested in knowing how the encouragement and preservation of Hawaiian culture has fared under tourism and to leam about OHA as a governmentsponsored agency for the benefit of the native people. Bermuda, well known as a tourist resort destination, is a Crown Colony of Great Britain where 60 percent of its population is of African origin. It has a living density of about 3,000 people per square mile. Thomas said there is now an interest in native affairs and culture in Bermuda and that the Office of the Premier is very concerned about these issues. By using information gathered during her visit, Thomas observed that there is hope the government of Bermuda may be able to initiate programs to address the promotion and preservation of native culture. Following her visit, Thomas conceded Bermuda had a lot of catching up to do in terms of what Hawaiians have available to them. ContiguoUs