Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 5, 1 Mei 1986 — 13th Annual Event June 14 at Laie [ARTICLE]
13th Annual Event June 14 at Laie
19 Hula Halau Enter Kamehameha Competition
Nineteen hula halau and six chanters are entered in the 13th annual King Kamehameha traditional hula and chant competition scheduled for Saturday, June 14, in the Cannon Activities Center on the Hawaii campus of Brigham Young University in Laie. Sp>onsored by the State Council on Hawaiian Heritage, a private non-profit educational organization, the competition will feature two unique categories — an individual chant division and a combined male and female dance section. Every island except Molokai and Hawaii will be represented in the competition. One halau — Halau O Kalani — is coming from Arlington, Texas. Frank Kelii Chang, formerly of Honoja|a; is the kumu hula. He 's a flight attendant for Delta Airlines. The chant competition was created to stimulate and encourage the perpetuation of this most important aspect of our Hawaiian culture. Over the years it has helped to develop interest in the various style of chanting, including olioli, kepakepa, ho'ae'ae, Ko'ihonua and more. From the first presentation of this competition in 1973 at Queen Kapiolani Park, it has grown in reputation and stature with some of Hawaii's top dance groups competing. Competition starts promptly at 5 p.m. with doors closing at approximately 4:45 p.m., allowing spectators enough time to settle into their seats before competition begins. Out of respect to the kumu hula and dancers, the audience is asked
not to: • Leave their seats during competition. • Bring young children. • Bring coolers, food, drink and filming equipment, including video cameras. A special smoking area will be set up and food and snack items will be available for purchase during intermission. Tickets at $4 for general admission (bleacher); $5 for the upper balcony reserved section; and $6 for lodge reserved section are available from the State Council on Hawaiian Heritage office, 355 N. King St., across from A'ala Park, telephone 536-6540. An answering maehine will take your eall. Leave name, phone number, number of tickets needed and the price range. Of the six chanters competing, three turned in their applications as this issue went to press. They are Anthony Lenehanko and Tehani Thomas of Oahu and Lehua Pate of Lana'i. The eouneil is not a state agency and receives no state or federal funds for any of its projects or programs, including the June 14 competition. Proceeds from the competition support activities of the eouneil, including cultural exchanges. These have included New Guinea, New Zealand and Hong Kong. In addition to Chang's Texas group, other participating halau and thier kumu hula are: • The Gentlemen of Na Kamalei, Robert Cazimero,
Oahu. • Na Punahele O Haluakaiamoana, Edward Kalahiki Jr., Oahu. • Halau Hula O Kawaimaluhia, Keoni Kauhane Jenny, Oahu. • Lamalani Hula Academy, Lahela Kaaihue, Oahu. • Ka Pa Hula Hawaii, John Kaha'i Topolinski, Oahu. • Na Pualei O Likolehua, Leinaala Kalama Heine, Oahu. • Halau Mohala Ilima, Mapuana deSilva, Oahu. • Na Wai Eha O Puna, Thaddeus Wilson and 0'Brien Eselu, Oahu. • Na Po'okela O Hana, Peter Kawaimaka Lonoaea, Hana, Maui. • Kalei Kauikaumauma, Randol Ngum, Oahu. • Halau O Kala'au'ala, Willie Kala'au'ala Pulawa, Kauai. • Ka Ua Kilihune, A1 Makahinu Barcarse, Oahu. • Halau O Waimea, Piilani Lua, Oahu. • Pua Alii Ilima, Victoria Holt Takamine, Oahu. • Pumehana Ka Hale Hula O Kolea, Lovena West, Oahu. • Ka Pa Hula O Na Ko'olau, Haunani Judd Kauahi, Oahu. • Ladies of Kahanakealoha, Frank Palani Kahala, Oahu. • Na Hula O La'i Kealoha, Elaine Kaopuiki, Lana'i. The hula and chant competition is part of the June 1 1 King Kamehameha Day program with the big annual parade that day as the feature event. The parade is sponsored by the King Kamehameha Day Celebration Commission whieh also stages the laying of leis ceremony on the late afternoon and evening of June 10 at the statue.