Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 4, 1 April 1986 — For Young Waianae Hawaiian Couple [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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For Young Waianae Hawaiian Couple

Perseverance, Hard Work Pay Dividends

By Kenny Haina, Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA An enterprising and opportunistic young native Hawaiian eouple from Waianae, parents of five children, recently seized upon the ehanee to broaden their business horizons. Already established in business for the past 11 years, Patrick Opunui and his wife, the former Theresa Burns, took

over a little health food snack shop in Waianae and converted it into a cozy, comfortable and family-type restaurant, retaining its original name, The Garden of Eatin'. Opunui, who says he is one-half Hawaiian and one-half Portuguese, bought out the owner of an automotive repair

shop a little over 11 years ago and Pat's Inspection and Auto Repairs has done phenomenal business since then. The auto shop and restaurant are almost directly located across Farrington Highway from eaeh other. "We took over the snack shop and opened our restaurant May 1, 1985. We figured why not have our own restaurant since my wife was a short order eook at one of the Leeward fast food places for eight years," Opunui said. Mrs. Opunui, a daughter of Mrs. Helen Burns and her late retired polieeman husband, Henry, had also been working at one of the financial institutions. She is now the eook at The

Garden of Eatin whieh specializes in quality, moderate priced loeal favorities. Patrons may eat in the restaurant itself or just off the entrance in a little garden area with concrete tables and benches. Both are Waianae born, raised and educated. Theresa is a graduate of Nanakuli High School while Pat got his diploma from Waianae High School. Pat was quick to point out he spent his first three years at St. Theresa School when he briefly resided in Kalihi. The Opunuis like being in business for themselves because "it beats working for someone else. Besides we enjoy the people and they like us."

Pat said the residents, who informally refers to The Garden of Eatin' as Pat's Plaee, look forward to Friday nights because they have set aside that evening for Mexican foods. The plaee is packed on Friday nights, Pat observed. The lunchtime feature is Hawaiian plate. T ourists are finding The Garden of Eahn' a good luneh stop. They like the coziness, warm atmosphere, friendly service and good food. Several of them were in the plaee when Ka Wai Ola O OHA stopped by recently. One would think two businesses are enough to keep a young eouple busy . Raising five children, running a household and managing the businesses would be enough work for anyone. It appears, however, to be a routine grind for the Opunuis who are not phased by it all.

There is one more revelation to this story and that is Pat is a fulltime employee at MTL where he has worked the past 14 years. He works the swing shift at 2 p. m. as first class meehanie and inspector. Pat and Theresa remain simple, friendly people who have not let success gone to their heads. Pat cautioned that if you're going to pay them a visit, don't look for Pat's Plaee in the telephone book. It's not there because its listed under The Garden of Eatin'.

Pat and Theresa Opunui in their Garden of Eatin'.