Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 2, 1 February 1986 — Prince Kuhio Era Spotlighted Mar. 2 [ARTICLE]

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Prince Kuhio Era Spotlighted Mar. 2

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The Oahu District Oouneil of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs will be attempting to bring back some nostalgia from the Pnnee Kuhio era with the staging of its annual Ho'ike'ike on Sunday, Mar. 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Bishop Museum grounds and buildings. Admission to the grounds, planetarium shows and exhibits is free as this is the monthly Family Sunday sponsored by Sears, Roebuck and Co. Various organizations have been featured on this one Sunday in the month and the Oahu Council will be taking center stage Mar. 2. There will be plenty to do and see because the committee planning the day has eome up with a multitude of attractions and events to keep children and adults busy throughout the day . Period attire of the Kuhio era, ranging perhaps from 1900 to 1922, is being encouraged. The purpose of this Family Sunday embracing the Kuhio period is to create an atmosphere of a typical Sunday after church during the era, according to Toni Lee and Ethel Kahalewai who are in charge of special events and activities. Except for an essay contest and a hula competition among participating Hawaiian Civic Clubs, all other events are open to the public. The hula contest features kupuna age 50 and over. Among other scheduled events are a Prince Kuhio lookalike contest; art contest or exhibit; lei-making on location; story-telling of the Kuhio era; Easter basket decorating eontest; Easter bonnet parade and contest; horse shoe throwing competition; pa'u draping; organ playing in Atherton Halau; croquette; artists and artisans; Hawaiian games; badminton; May pole dance; marbles competition; a pienie luneh box auction in whieh the winning bidder breaks bread with the donor of the repast; and kite making and flying. Various civic clubs, Hawaiian organizations and private vendors will be dispensing a wide array of goodies such as hot dogs, hamburgers, cotton candy, pop eom, candy apples, lollipop and balloons. Among the unusual activities will be an Easter treasure hunt featuring na mea Hawaii instead of the usual eggs. Clubs

are being asked to donate such Hawaiian items as lauhala balls, rings, bracelets, book markers and the like. Two hunts are scheduled, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. A third hunt may be held if enough items are donated. On top of all this, there will be entertainment, craft demonstrators and various other types of food booths, many featuring plate lunches. Another unique event is Polaroid picture-taking of individuals or groups against such backdrops as a day at the Museum; farming at Kahuku; picking limu at Ewa Beacn; swimming in front of the Moana Hotel; or other sceneriēs related to the Kuhio period. Vendors and clubs erecting booths are being encouraged to decorate their stands reflecting the Kuhio era. Workers are also asked to dress or costume themselves accordingly. Baby sitting services will also be available by the Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club and its Na Opio O Emmalani. In addition to Lee and Kahalewai, others on the organizing committee include Sherry Evans as general chairman and finance director; Elaine Mullaney , games and childrens' activities; Lae Kamaunu, food sales; Beatrice Rosa, demonstrations, displays and crafts sales, Roy Benham, entertainment and sound; and Jalna Keala, publicity. This is a completely different approach to the Ho'ike'ike whieh in past years were held at Aloha Tower and McCoy Pavilion and featured food booths, entertainment and arts and crafts. The shift to Bishop Museum and the Kuhio theme was an idea fostered by H.K. Bruss Keppeler, Oahu District Council president, who has also written Gov. George R. Ariyoshi requesting that the state's chief executive proclaim the month of March as Prince Kuhio Month. This year is the 115th anniversary of Prince Kuhio's birth. In addition to Family Sunday Mar. 2, there will be Ali'i Sunday services at Kawaiahao Church Mar. 23 and commemoration events Mar. 26 at Mauna Ala in Nuuanu and at the Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Federal Building.

OFFlCE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 567 So. King Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

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