Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 2, 1 February 1986 — QLCC Opens Maui Office [ARTICLE]

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QLCC Opens Maui Office

The newest office of the Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center is now in operation on Maui at 1498 E. Lower Main St., Wailuku, telephone 242-8888. Unit manager is lris Mountcastle with Gayle Kanae-Lani as social worker and Amy Maeda-Jones, secretary. The unit will initially provide services to children living in Wailuku,

Kahului, Paukukalo, Waihee and Waikapu. The Queen's Deed of Trust reads "... all of the property of the Trust estate, both principal and ineome, shall be used by the T rustees for the benefit of orphan and other destitute children in the Hawaiian islands, the preference is to be given to Hawaiian children of pure or part aboriginal blood."