Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 1, 1 January 1986 — New DHHL Program [ARTICLE]
New DHHL Program
A new "Ohana Homestead Program" started by the Depariment of Hawaiian Home Lands ean benefit many Hawaiian homesteaders and their families. Under the program, DHHL will not only process but will also absorb the cost of subdividing existing agricultural and pastoral homestead lots for lessees who participate before the program enrollment period ends June 30, 1986. Inclusion of residential lots is anticipated upon the successful completion of the rule-making process in January, 1986. DHHL wiil process the transfer of the subdivided lots to native Hawaiian family members or to native Hawaiians the lessee may designate. The transfer of the subdivided portion must be to a native Hawaiian (at least 50 percent Hawaiian) who is at least 18 years old. That person will be the lessee of the subdivided portion for the remaining term of the current lease and will be charged an annual rental fee of one dollar. Minimum lot size requirements of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act and of the county will have to be met. The location of an existing house on the lot may prevent subdivision of certain lots. For full particulars, contact the nearest DHHL district office or eall Bernard Kunihisa at 548-5831.