Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 1, 1 January 1986 — "Queen's Garden" a Neglected Graveyard [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
"Queen's Garden" a Neglected Graveyard
This photo shows the original site of the beautiful Uluhaimalama Nursery or "Queen's Garden" whieh was established by Queen Lili'uokalani following her overthrow. It is located in Pauoa on the island of Oahu and is now overgrown with nearly four feet of grass and weeds. Mary Kaoihana is shown in this photograph taken by cemetery researcher Nanette Napoleon Pumell who had gone to Boston, Mass., doing some cemetery research at the Association of Gravestone Studies Nalional Archives.
Kaoihana is the caretaker of an adjoining cemetery site, the Uluhaimalama Hawaiian Cemetery whieh has been under the care of her family for over 60 years. She called Mrs. Pumell, director of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs-funded Cemetery Research Project, after reading a story on neglected cemetery sites in the November issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA. Except for the Huihui family, no surviving relatives have taken an interest in maintaining this cemetery whieh was onee owned and maintained by the John Wise family. Kaoihana is paid a small stipend by the Huihui family to maintain their family plot pictured above.