Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1986 — Hawaiian Poetry Session Jan. 25 [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Poetry Session Jan. 25
"Pulama la Me Ke Aloha-Na Mele O Hawaii" is the title of the second conference on Hawaiian poetry scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, January 25, at Leeward Community Co!lege, Purpose of this 'aha kuka is to offer interested participants an in-depth perspective of the traditional art of Hawaiian poetry and a first-hand learning experience from recognized cultural resources of our time. lt is the hope of the sponsoring Kalihi-Palama Culture and Arts Society ine. that this effort will open doors to Hawaii's past and afford budding contemporary poets the opportunity to experience and enjoy the richness of Hawaii's heritage through its cherished poetry. There is a $25 non-refundable registration fee whieh includes printed material for the workshop class, intensive instructioh and the expertise of a recognized Hawaiian cultura! resource person in the field of poetry . This will be a brown bag affair. Eaeh registrant will have the opportunity to enroll in one of the three workshops listed: • Voca!ization Techniques by Kalena Silva, • Poetic Skills by Edith McKinzie. • Kaona (the hidden meaning) and Translation by Pat Bacon and Malia Craver. Enrollment in a particular class is on a first-come, firstserve basis. Classes are limited to a maximum of 15 to allow for more individualized and personalized instruction. Participants are required to remain with the same instructor during the day-long workshop. Tape recorders.are allowed, Applications, along with the $25 registration fee, are now being accepted at the Kalihi-Palama Culture and Arts Society, 357 N. King St., Honolulu 96817. State class desired in order of preference.