Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 12, 1 December 1985 — Financial Aid Workshop [ARTICLE]

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Financial Aid Workshop

If you want to go to collegē but don't know how to finance it, you ean get help by going to a special workshop whieh shows people how to obtain private and public scholarships. It is scheduled forSaturday, Dec. 7, from8:30a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Room 102 of the Eckerdt Building at Windward Community College. There is a $25 fee per family, including a workbook and practical advice on how to prepare an effective application package. Representatives from Scholarships Unlimited, a private Hawaii-based company specializing in helping students finance their education, will be conducting the sessions. The company offers listings for more than 2,300 private scholarships in Hawaii and on the mainland. "We're gearing our workshops for middle-income families who don't qualify for some of the state and federal grants," said owner Karen Moriarity. Call the WCC community services office at 235-7433 for full particulars.