Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 12, 1 December 1985 — Keikis Capture Hearts of Audience [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Keikis Capture Hearts of Audience

The voices of 1,500 students from 22 classes on Maui captured the hearts of adults in the beautiful old songs of Hawaii during the 1985 Na Mele O Maui grade school song contest Nov. 8 in the Royal Lahaina Resort Tennis Stadium. The classes ranged from kindergarten through eighth grade and they competed in three different levels for $2,000 in total cash prizes. They were grouped into kindergarten and first grades; grades two through for; and grades five through eight. Eaeh class sang two songs in the Hawaiian language — one designated as the "prize song" whieh was sung by all classes in their respective grade level and a second song of their own ehoiee. Contestants were judged on stage appearance, harmony, pronunciation of Hawaiian words and the manner in whieh they presented their music. Winners, their prize songs, ehoiee songs and prize monies:

Kindergarten and First Grades — Kahului, Akahi Ho'i, Ke Aloha Kawiki, $200; Kahului, Akahi Ho'i, La'e La La'e La'e, $150; Wailuku, Akahi Ho'i, Kokohi, $100. Grades 2-4 — Kamehameha III, Grade 3, Waipi'o, No Hala O Nau'e, $300; Lihikai, Grade 4, Waipi'o, Ainahau, $225; Hana, Grade 4, Waipi'o, La'e La La'e La'e, $200; Kahului, Grade 4, Waipi'o, Ka'a Ahi Kahului, $150; Kuia, Grade 2, Waipi'o, Wahine 'I Likea, $100; Kahului, Grade 3, Waipi'o, Koni Au Ika Wai, $50. Grades 5-8 ~Lahaina Intermediate, Grades 6, 7, 8, Lei Lokelani, Naka Pu'eo and Nanakuli, $300; Iao School, Grade 8, Lei Lokelani, Ninipo and Loni Au, $225; Kahului, Grade 8, Lei Lokelani, La'e La La'e La'e, $200; Sacred Hearts, Grades 5, 6, Lei Lokelani, Lo'a Kou Puni Kauoha, $150; Sacred Hearts, Grades 7-8, Lei Lokelani, Kuuipo Ika He'e Pue'one, $50; Kahului, Grade 7, Lei Lokelani, Queen's Jubilee, $50.

miikiw n 11 111 n n m i n i 'i— nn' ■ m i i w« m Winning Lahaina Intermediate School singers and their perpetual trophy.