Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1985 — Help Make it Happen by Giving to AUW [ARTICLE]
Help Make it Happen by Giving to AUW
The Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, an agency providing human care service for the predominantly Hawaiian communites of Nanakuli, Maili, Waianae and Makaha, is one of the Iatest organizations seeking the support of Aloha United Way. It will be one of 60 agencies seeking AUW funding in 1986. October is AUW month when it makes its annual drive to get the funds for these 60 participatingagencies. Teams of volunteers in the military, private and public sectors are most responsible for achieving the AUW annual goal whieh this year is a little over $9 million ($9,444,000). WCCHC is a private nonprofit corporation serving residents of the Waianae coast. It is operated by a communitybased board of directors who are elected from the membership of the corporation. All patients seen at the health center are surveyed annually for family size and ineome. The 1983 survey results show the patient p>opulation to be extremely disadvantaged eeonomically. There are 45,000 patient visits annually. Such heakh care services as medical, emergency, mental, dental, vision and home care are available at the center. Its emergency care unit is staffed 365 days a year by experienced doctors. Aloha United Way is people helping people. Your contribution helps the 60 participating agencies of AUW that serve more than 250,000 loeal residents from heahh services and counseling to special education and rehabilitation programs. "The more you help, the more we ean help," is the AUW slogan. Help make it happen through your contributions.