Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 10, 1 October 1985 — The Entertainers [ARTICLE]

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The Entertainers

Introducing a new/eature about the Hawaiian entertainment communify. "The Entertainers" is presented as an informational guide for our readers and seruice for Hawaiian sfyle entertainers and groups. Listings are free. Readers will find where their favorite performers are entertaining and groups or clubs that feature Hawaiian entertainment ean list their performance schedules. To be sure that you or your group is listed in "The Entertainers", send us the particulars. Include a photo if you ean but we do not guarantee s paee will be auailahle. Send us a short summary of your group, club or event, inc!uding your name and telephone number, together with where and when you perform. If you include a photo, be sure to identify the performers. We reserve the right to edit material but in any event all information carried will be free as a service to the entertainment community and Ka Wai Ola O OHA readers. Send to: The Entertainers KaWaiOlaOOHA 287 Mokauea St., Honolulu, HI 96819