Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 9, 1 September 1985 — Class for Men Only [ARTICLE]

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Class for Men Only

A no-cost course on "The Ancient Hawaiian Religion of the Men" will be given by Professor Kioni Dudley on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 9, starting Sept. 17, at a loeahon to be announced. Dudley, who teaches aneient Hawaiian religion and Hawaiian Literature at Leeward Community College, ean be reached at telephone 677-9513, to register and to get full particulars for this unique men only class. The course is open to males of all ages and will have something for everyone. Men knowing nothing about Hawaiian religion at all will find it easy to follow, Dudley noted. "I have hopes that kumu hula, practicing kahunas and keepers of family traditions wili join us regularly, sharing their mana'o. The course has been strētched over a year to allow plenty of room for presentations by others," Dudley explained.