Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1985 — Ariyoshi on Native Hawaiians [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ariyoshi on Native Hawaiians
Western Governors' Action "Significant"
The Western Governors' Association, meeting in Honolulu Aug. 28, called on Congress to include native Hawaiians in all federal programs to whieh other native Americans are eligible. The Association is made up of the Governors of 16 Western States, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mari anas Islands. The resolution on native Hawaiians was introduced by Governor George R. Ariyoshi, who is Chairman of the Association. Following a unanimous vote to adopt the resolution. Ariyoshi called the action "very significant ." He told Ka Wai Ola O OHA:
"In Hawaii we have been trying to get the federal government whenever they take any action that affects native Americans to be sure they include native Hawaiians. "It is a very significant resolution as far as the people of Hawaii are concerned. I was also very pleased that the Governors recognized this and 1 guess particularly because they are concerned about and are very familiar with all the native Americans, particularly the lndians. "Somebody asked the question whether the Eskimos, the native Alaskans, are included in the definition of native Ameriean. I pointed out that they were and that in most instances native Hawaiians are also considered in many of the benefits that apply to native Americans, but not in all situations. This resolution will clarify that and indicate that in every instance where native Americans are considered for any program, native Hawaiians would be included in that definition and as a result in all of the programs. "So I consider (the resolution) to be very significant and I am very pleased that it is one that the Governors all recognize." A resolution similar to the one adopted today by the Western Governors' Association was approved by the U.S. Conference of Mayors at their meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, in June of this year.
A. BACKGROUND 1 . The Congress oj the United States had recognized the unique attribute s o/ indigenous American people as constitutionally and morally deseruing of nahonal attention and legislation. However, the willingness o/ Congress to extend this recognition is now limited. 2. The Hawaiian people are the indigenous inhabitants o/ the Hawaiian lslands. The federal gouernment has
long recognized Native Hawaiians as a distinct indi - genous group and has dealt with them in a manner similar to other Native Amehean groups. Native Hawaiians meet many of the criteria whieh entitle an indigenous group to certain federal seruices. B. GOVERNORS' POLICY STATEMENT 1. Despite the i nclusion o/ Native Hawaiians in seueral programs available to Native Americans, the Western Governors' Association finds that there are many programs established for the benefit of Native Amehcans
in whieh Natiue Hawaiians are not allowed to pahieipate. 2. The Western Gouernors' Association urges the Con gress o/ the United States to include Naliue Hawaiians in the definition of Native Amehean and extend to Natiue Hawaiians eligibility in all programs affected by s ueh definition without prejudice. C. GOVERNORS' MANAGEMENT D1RECTIVE 1. Transmit certified copies of this resolution to the lead ership of the Congress, and to the appropriate eommittee chairman of the Congress.
Hawaii Governor George R. Ariyoshi addresses members of the Western Governors' Association Aug. 28 while introducing resolution calling for including native Hawaiians in all benefits extended to native Americans.