Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 8, 1 August 1985 — Big lsland Kupuna Share Much Aloha [ARTICLE]
Big lsland Kupuna Share Much Aloha
It was a day of sharing and mueh aloha for Big Island kupuna who gathered recently for their annual workshop at the Hilo district office of the Dep>artment of Education. A story in the April issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA prompted Kupuna Edna Dela Cruz to submit a report on the doings of Big Island kupuna. She works with children at Honokaa and Paauilo Elementarv Schools.
"E heluhelu nei au ka nupepa o Ka Wai Ola O OHA o ka aha o na kupuna o Oahu," she writes. "E nui ka hauoli no au i heluhelu nei na lakou hana. Like me makou na kupuna o ka mokupuni o Hawaii." "Like all similar kupuna functions, ours was a day of honi and extending aloha with one another, sharing our ha'awina and mele and displaying our mahalo to a wonderful resource teacher like Kau'i Billups who has done an outstanding job
working with all of us," Kupuna Dela Cruz continues. She also had some high praise for Betty Jenkins, kupuna coordinator for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, "for sharing her exp>ertise in teaching and her puke kuhikuhi with us." The OHA staff member shared her mana'o with the Hawaii kupuna who in turn shared theirs among and with eaeh other. It was a day spiced with music, language and the concept of lokahi.
Maile Vargo, a kupuna resource person, was recognized for a new beautiful mele she had written and whieh she will share with other kupuna. Kupuna also congratulated Betty Jenkins upon her selection as mo'i wahine for Aloha Week and held their own little ho'ola'a or investiture, presenting the OHA kupuna coordinator with a beautiful kamani lei.