Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 8, 1 August 1985 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Advertising Rates Just $9.50 per eolumn ineh plus tax. (approx. 1 in. long x 1!4 in. wide). Up to 24 words per ineh! To qualify for this low, low classified rate, we must request that ads not include artwork or other special layout requirements. To plaee an ad with us, eall Ron Williams at 848-0711 during business hours (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-F), or use the convenient form provided below:
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iw CAREER OPPORTUNITIES with THE STATE OF HAWAII ADULT CORRECTIONS OFFICER $1230 per month Employment at Halawa High Security and OCCC LEGAL STENOGRAPHER . . . . $1261 per month Oahu Employment SOCIAL WORKER III & IV . . $1696 & $1932 per month Child Protective Services, Statewide Employment CLERK TYPIST II $1050 per month CLERK STENOGRAPHER II $1078 per month Oahu Employment LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE III $1416 per month Employment at Halawa High Security and OCCC YOUTH CORRECTIONS OFFICER $1179 per month Waimanalo. Oahu Employment For additional information and applications, visit
the State Department of Personnel Services at 830 Punehhowl or eall 5484034. AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I— WANTED . . . CUSTOMERS . . . BUDGET TRAVEL AIEA (Part Hawn Owners). We sell airline tickets to neighbor islands, mainland, and international destinations. Plus... hotels, cars, trains, buses, ships! Cost you nothing to compare. Free delivery. Credit cards OK! If you made reservations with airlines, don't worry we ean write your tickets too! No business is too small or too big for us! CALL US BEFORE YOU BUY PH 488-1627 Mon-Satifno answer eall 488-0306 ask for Jamie or Joyce. IT1 Opihis from Big lsland for graduations, weddings, etc. S125-Gallon, $40Quart. Phone Oahu, 2627887 or 261 -4977. Guarantee real ono and elean!
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