Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 7, 1 July 1985 — Hula Singles at Waimea Oct. 5-6 [ARTICLE]

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Hula Singles at Waimea Oct. 5-6

An ancient hula singles competition will again be included in the annual Waimea Falls Park Makahiki scheduled for Oct. 5-6 at the North Shore scenic attraction. Entitled "Waimea's Ke Alohi Hula," (Waimea's brilliant hula dancer), the competition is being included for the fifth year. Its purpose is to preserve and perpetuate the art form of the ancient hula individually, especially where men may eompete with women demonstrating their hula talents. Semifinals are scheduled Saturday, Oct. 5 with the finals the following day . First, second and third plaee winners will be announced Oct. 6. Only the first 25 registrants will be accepted. There will be six judges, a different set of three eaeh day. Deadline for all entries is Sept. 15. Entry forms are available from Waimea Falls Park, 59-864 Kamehameha Hwy., Haleiwa, Hawaii, 96712. The telephone number is 638-8511.