Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 7, 1 July 1985 — Maori Exhibit Opens July 19 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Maori Exhibit Opens July 19

Celebrating the Maori is one of the many fine exhibits scheduled for the 1985 summer Bishop Museum ealendar. This new exhibit opens July 19 and celebrates the upcoming 50th anniversary of Sir Peter H. Buck's directorship of the museum ( 19361951). Buck, who reaches his 50th anniversary next year, was a distinguished anthropologist who was known by his fellow Maori as Te Rangi Hiroa ("The Heavens Lit Up with the Rays of the Sun.") Celebrating the Maori, whieh will be on exhibit in the Kahili Room and Vestibule Gallery of the main exhibition building, is an exhibition of selected items from Bishop Museum's Maori collections and photographs of Maori carvings by award-winning New Zealand photographer Brian Brake.

This is a tekoteko figure from the gable of a meeting house in Rotorua, New Zealand. The tekoteko represents the ancestor after whom the house was named. Figure is from the Eric Craig collection purchased in 1891. Bishop Museum photo. The exhibition is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through June, 1986. Regular admission prevails. Members and families belonging to the Bishop Museum Association and those attending the monthly family Sundays are free. Also available for viewing are these continuing exhibits: COURTINGSTATEHOOD: 1845-1959 — Photographs, memorabilia, documents and newspaper clippings combine to create a historical — and often whimsical — chronicle of the ups and downs of the statehood cause. In the Jabulka entrance gallery, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, through September, 1985. Free. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION An early record of government contract Japanese immigrants in Hawai'i. Exhibition of photographs and artifacts representative of the arrival and subsequent life of the kan\jaku imin, or Japanese government contract laborers, who eame to Hawai'i during the early years. In the gallery of the Hawai'i Immigrant Heritage Presevation Center, daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., through 1985. Free. BAKER'S BOTANICAL PRINTS Photographs by Ray Jerome Baker, hand-coloring by Edith Frost Baker. A selection of black and white photographs by noted island photographer Ray Jerome Baker, with hand-coloring by the photographer's wife, Edith Frost Baker. In the photograph eolleetion, Tuesday-Thursday, 1 p.m. to4p.m., through 1985. Free.