Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 6, 1 June 1985 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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/V KaWAIŌUŌŌHA Published monthly by the Office of Hawāiian Affairs, 567 South King St., Suite 100, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Telephone 5488960. Circulation is 45,000 copies, 35,000 of whieh are mail distribution and 10,000 are distributed through island offices, state and county offices, priuate and community agencies and target groups and individuals. Ka Wai Ola O OHA is printed by Hawaii Hoehi, Ltd. at 917 Kokea St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Board of Trustees Joseph G. Keahola Jr. Chairman & Trustee from Maui

Moamkeala Akaka Trusfee, Hawaii'i Rodney K. Burgess, III Trustee-At-Large Louis Hao Trustee, Moloka'i Moses K. Keale, Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau

Hayden Burgess Trustee, O'ahu Rockne C. Freitas Trustee-At Large & Vice Chairman Thomas K. Kaulukukui, Sr. Trustee-At-Large Gard Kealoha Trustee-At-Large

Ben Henderson, Acting Administrator Ed Miehelman, Puhlie Information Officer Kenneth S. Haina, Editor Jalna Keala, Contributing Editor Produced for The Office of Hawaiian Affairs by Trade Publishing Company Tel: (808) 848-0711 287 Mokauea St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 President: Carl Hebenstreit Production Manager: Blanche Pestana Art Design: Ellen Phillips Aduertising: Ron Williams Trade Publishing Company will not be responsible for the return of unsolicited material, photographs or artwork. Aeeeptance of advertising does not necessarily indicate approval or endorsement of the advertiser or his product or services by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The information herein is not war ranted as to accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed in the written content are not necessarily those of the Office of ^lHawaiian^ffairs^^TradePublishing^o^