Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 6, 1 June 1985 — Royal Proclamation Established Kamehameha Day [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Royal Proclamation Established Kamehameha


. . . see story Page 1 This is the way the King Kamehameha statue on S. King St. will look after it is decorated with garlands offlowers on Friday, June 7. Actiuities begin at 5:30 p.m., including music and entertainment. More than 60 uolunteers are expected to be inuolued in the festiue affair. Bring your ohana, friends and cameras. Enjoy ka mea nani o Hawaii nei!

, lnside ^ 13th Annual Oahu La Kukahekahe page 3 A MemorabIe Experience on Molokai page 4 Internships for Puna Family page 4 Hawaiian Studies Conference page 5 Molokai Heart Study page 6 Reserve Now for 'Aha Puhala page 7