Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 6, 1 June 1985 — Uhane Noa Program [ARTICLE]

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Uhane Noa Program

The Uhane Noa Foundation of native Hawaiian artists will onee more ho!d a fine arts summer youth program at Pupukea. Applications are now being accepted by Coordinator Kunani Nihipali at 59-627 Kawoa Plaee, Pupukea, Haleiwa 96712, telephone 638-8290. Nihipali is seeking 24 youngsters of Hawaiian or part Hawaiian ancestry between the ages of 12 and

18. The program is for eight weeks with two sessions slated three days a week. There is no cost involved but the program has a scholarship value of $550. Luneh is included. It runs from July 2 to Aug. 22. The program content includes visual art enhanced with performing and language arts along with enrichment activities and field trips relative to Hawaiian culture.