Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 6, 1 June 1985 — Three-Day Hawaiian Studies Conference Slated June 17-19 [ARTICLE]

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Three-Day Hawaiian Studies Conference Slated June 17-19

A three-day conference on Hawaiian Studies in Education will be held June 17-19 on The Kamehameha Schools eampus' Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani Performing Arts Center. The conference starts at 8:30 a.m. following registration 30 minutes earlier. lt is co-chaired by the Rev. David Ka'upu, ehaplain, The Kamehameha Schools; Abraham Pi'ianai'a, director, Hawaiian Studies Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa; and Dr. John Charlot, research associate, East-West Center. Among trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs participating in the conference are Chairman Joseph Kealoha with the recommendations and strategies committee and Gard Kealoha, chairman of the OHA culture and education eommittee, who will be co-chairman of the community and alternative education committee with Winona Rubin, chief executive officer of Alu Like ine. Purposes of the conference are to: • Enable workers in different areas of Hawaiian Studies to get to know eaeh other personally and professionally. • Provide a survey of the present situation and problems in different areas of Hawaiian Studies. • Propose practical solutions for those problems. • Form a committee to present the conference proposals to the appropriate persons and organizations. • Establish regular means of communication, cooperation and mutual support among workers in the different areas of Hawaiian Studies.

A • Discuss the foundation of a Council on Hawaiian Studies to provide coordination and support for the advancement of the field. A wide range of noted speakers and instructors in Hawaiian Studies programs at UH and the Community College systems, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, The Kamehameha Schools, Department of Education and various other institutions will be addressing participants. Those wishing to register for the conference may do so by sending name, address, telephone number to the Rev. Ka'upu, Conference on Hawaiian Studies in Education, Chaplain's Office, The Kamehameha Schools, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Please enclose eheek payable to Hawaiian Studies in Education in the amounts of $25 for regular registration and $15 for students and se'nior citizens. This registration fee covers the entire three-day conference, including the information packet, three hot lunches, refreshments twice a day and an orientation reception the first night at Atherton Halau. The conference is co-sponsored by 10 organizations, including Alu Like, The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, BYU Institute for Polynesian Studies, Catholic School Department, DOE, East-West Center, Hawaii Loa Co!lege, The Kamehameha Schools, OHA and UH. The Ke'elikolani Performing Arts Center is the old auditorium on Kamehameha's upper campus. It was recently renovated and refurbished. y