Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 4, 1 April 1985 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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(BB|Sāāsi WANTED . . . CUS- Credit cards OK! If you TOMERS . . . BUDGET made reservations with TRAVEL AIEA (Part Hawn airlines, don't worry we Owners). We sell airline ean write your tickets too! tickets to neighbor islands, No business is too small or mainland, and interna- too big for us! CALL US tionaldestinations. Plus... BEFORE YOU BUY hotels, cars, trains, buses, PH 488-1 627 Mon-Sat if no ships! Cost you nothing to answer eall 488-0036 ask compare. Free delivery. for Jamie or Joyce. HOME TAX SERVICE, INC. ineome tax preparation in your home at no extra charge. Call 488-4141 for your appointment. Free piekups and delivery. Refer to this ad for a 10% discount. Service also available in most branches of HONFED. Year round service. Guaranteed accuracy . Bookkeeping service also available. I— — I CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Paul Kimo Pestana KAMEHAMĒHA GRADUATE WORK ACCIDENTS & CAR ACCIDENTS MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED 395-8825 WE CARE i LUAUS MONEY PROBLEMS? Opihis from Big lsland for ^ow lnterest Loans & Free 7.,oWrfir.«e Grants avaiiable. FOR CONg4raduations, wedd.ngs, FIDENTlAL report - etc. $125-Gallon, $40- rush$1.00To: Quart. Phone Oahu, 262- Wenonah Costa, 993 McGre7887 or 261 -4977. Guaran- g0r Lane #1, Honoluiu, Hl tee real ono and elean! 96817.