Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 4, 1 April 1985 — He Kanikau No (a dirge for) Eleanor [ARTICLE]

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He Kanikau No (a dirge for) Eleanor

Keko aohiwakalani Prendergast (Composed by JohnRenken-Kaha'i>Kauauamahi Topolihski and John Keoni Kauaha'aheo DuPont)

'Auhea 'oukou e ko Hawai'i pae'aina e. E ke onaona mau e Listen o people o/ Hawui'i Euerlasting is the lragrance. Lohe 'ia anei na leo o ka makani e Me makou ho'i la e Can you hear the uoieea of the winei. It remuins wilh t/s E hea ana i ke aloha e ho'i aku e Ka ho'omana'o wale iho e. Calling the h elai>ed one Slill as we rememher your queenly h eautv. lo Kupuna la e. Ko kulana hiehie e To return to the ancestors ? With those s/xirkling heautiful hrown eyes Kauiananapua ia pua e ho'okahiko ai e Na maka onaona la e Kuulana Na Pua is the h/ossom s nume. Thal haue weuthered all the t:hunges I ke kalaunu kupuna lani la e 'lkea ke au huli o kakou e. The hlossom to udorn the crowit Of the turning lide Ot the royal ancestors 0f our culture r — Ka niau ho'i aku o ka wahine e h na oiwi Hawai i e. -r, , , 0 ,»•<> nle ol Hawai'i k,dy moves °" her ... . * .... ■ , Ka moe a kau ho oilo e Ikena eleua e ino mo nei luna e , , , i l / / .i iii She sleeps the summers and wmters awuu Let your eyes hehold the moving hluek rain , , , Ka lawe lalau na na akua ho'i e Ma alokuloku ua ^ , . , .... - , , Snatched hv ihe gods Aduancing swiltly m torrents y u , , .... -ii , He ho'owehi ka lei o ka lani la e He hopua na ka i ini na ke kupuna la e , , ., , , , -r . , , , , . . I o adorn that lei ot heauen. 1 o capture that pn/.e /nosf desired . , |... I, . Aloha 'oe la e Aue e ka pua ali i kaulana hope e ,.. , , , „ ., 1 , ^ We hid thee farewell. «V the uncestors. ki i i l i I ka ho'i aku i Ona ala e. INo ke kupuna iho la e. . . . , , , Ala s. ,1,.. L, lam ous roaal blossom % ren,r" to the heave * home h rig/>l/„% Ihe anceslors. 01 erea,or I laila i ho'okipa 'ia aku nei e 'O na paka ua a'e keia e. There thou art welcumed. Yes. Ihese are Ihe ram drops Hi ipoli 'ia nei e na mal.ua e E halihali ana e ke anu ma'e'ele e Reunited and caressed Whn h lell o I a deep coldness p0-aj ja e na kupuna e Ke aloha e haehae i ka manawa e In the arms o/ your Moved mnther and father. That comes in hitter sweet loue Me he lei e He leo hawanawana o ka makemake e The ancesfors encircle thee Wouen wilh sadness Mc he kalaunu ala e He haliu e ho'i aku la e. Like a lei As it whispt>rs Ke kau ha'aheo kukaulani la e. Of its longing J() he worn as a crown To eall the hehved home Wilh pride and esteem Paumakomako ho'i ia loko e P",ali'' eChilled is llie hearl unuhle lo speak oul ° roP"' ™ossomHe leo 'ole aku e. 1 laila ka waihona aloha e Hurl cold as i I bng soaked Th"u h"s entered the re"tm Ku i lianu ha'alipo Wa'ahila e A ohe "'aimaka. a ohe 'eha e. In Ihe rain o/ Wa 'ahilu Where luue "hldes He uhi pa'a i ka hau'oki e Ua ho i aku oe < ka Makua la «■ Whn h shruuds Ihe hodv lhroughoul There "re '™rs 00 hurt or P"ln llihia. ilihia ho'i la e Nooa k" ola mau " Wnh a n icv ehill You h"'"' relurned honw Ka hali'ali'a ho'i e. Nana oe e ho'omalu iho la e The ehill IS so ouerwhelming T" reeelue uour neh reward Thal memories ure still. whleh "ntu Cod ' "n 3'"" Aloha 'oe e, aloha 'oe e, E Ka u'i o ke one hanau e. Farewell. alus o Keko'aohiwakaluni. Beaulilul one o/ our homekmd. £ Keko'aohiwakalani la e. Ko makou kumakena nei e Beloued descendunt of the s ucred Muhi elan We remain in our gnel «a mamo a Mahi ke kupa'a la e 'O ke kena i ho'oko 'ole 'ia e Mosf renou>ned for fhcir loyalty Our ihirst unquenched £ 0|a mau ana ka ho'omana'o mai e E ka lei kaimana e To the herituge of aneienl Hawui'i. 0 aur jeweled neeklaee o 1 diamonds Ou e ka lei kaimana hulali mau e. E ka wahine la e YVs. your memory will liue on O Royol lady. £ pua a|j", kau i ka wekiu la e. E Keko'aohiwakalani hoa ali'i e. Like a diamond that sparkles in its mfinite Keko 'aohiwukulani. hhllianee. Comptinion ol the ali'i. O royul blossom so high in runk