Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 4, 1 April 1985 — Aiona Named Chairman of Special Committee [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Aiona Named Chairman of Special Committee

Maui Councilman Abe Aiona was recently named chairman of a special Nahonal Association of Counties (NACo) Committee to make recommendations on three resolutions affecting Hawaiians. Aiona and other members of the Hawaii State Association of Counties (HSAC) attended NACo's annual legislative eonference in Washington, D.C., Mar. 4 8. In addition to Aiona, committee members include: George Akahane, Oahu Councilman; Seth Neibaur. Power County, Idaho commissioner, Chairman of the NACo subcommittee on Indian Affairs; Fred Johnson. Glacier County, Montana commissioner; and Mike Hutchin. Lake County, Montana commissioner. The resolutions adopted by HSAC at its December, 1984, meeting asked Congress to: 1. "Review the implementation of recommendations adopted by the joint Federal-State Task Force on Hawaiian

Home Lands in 1983, and to initiate breach of trust or other appropriate legal action for non-eomplianee by the State of Hawaii or the U.S. Department o< Interior." 2. "Include native Hawaiians in the definition of native American and extend to native Hawaiians eligibility in all programs affected by such definition without prejudice." 3. "Establish a single definition of native Hawaiian without reference to blood quantum and to provide appropriate protection to guarantee the rights and privileges of current Hawaiian Homes beneficiaries." The Aiona committee after considering these proposals will make its recommendations to NACo's Western Interstate Region meeting next month in Reno, Nev., and then at the annual meeting of the full association of counties in July at Orlando, Fla. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has been requested by NACo to provide technical assistance to the committee.

Larry Kauanoe Kimura at left tries to determine the proper word being acted out by "actors" Byron Hokulani Cleeland, Pohaku Nishimitsu and Paul Koki Williams in this charade episode. '

Special National Association of Countiescommittee considers resolutions on Hawaiiansat Washington, D.C. From left to right, they are Maui Councilman Abe Aiona, committee chairman; Honolulu Councilman George Akahane; Mike Hutchin, Lake County, Monlana commissioner; Seth Neibaur, Power County, ldaho commissioner; Fred Johnson, Glacier County, Monlana commissioner; and NACo staff member John Maxwell.