Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 4, 1 April 1985 — Washington Hawaiians Like OHA Newspaper [ARTICLE]

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Washington Hawaiians Like OHA Newspaper

Transplanted Hawaiians William Ku Tai and Elaine Markham Tai are only two of many readers who have written or told the Office of Hawaiian Affairs how mueh they enjoy receiving and reading monthly issues of Ka Wai Ola O OHA. The weleome remarks contained in the latest eommunieation from the Tai's notes that "we enjoy the information and progress regarding OHA's goals and the avenues avaiable to our Hawaiian people. "Our good friend T om Kaulukukui presented a very meaningful 'Lokahi' thoughts in the February issue. Please tell T ommy how mueh we enjoyed his 'words of wisdom'. "Your publication of OHA's progress keeps us informed until our return. We always pass along eaeh issue to our family members here. "Imua to OHA's trustees, staff and your publication. Keep up the good work." Tai is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and lives in Veradale, Wash. He was placed on the OHA mailing list through a ehanee meeting late last year with Government Affairs Officer Jalna Keala and former Big Island Trustee Piilani C. Desha during a flight from Honolulu to Seattle. "One day," T ai writes, "we will return to Hawaii nei to live out our lives."