Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1985 — Kokua Fund for Stricken Kealoha Twins Established [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kokua Fund for Stricken Kealoha Twins Established

Radiation treatments for 1 l-month-old twin daughters of a Honolulu eouple are continuing at the University of California Medical Center following tests to determine the extent of damage by malignant tumors in both girls. Crystalyn and Jasmine Kealoha are the identical twin daughters of Lehman (Buzzy) and Bonnie Kealoha of Hawaii Kai. The cancer was discovered following a routine ninemonth baby eheekup. They were diagnosed as having Bilateral Retinoblastoma (tumor of the back of the eyeballs.) The family and the two girls left for the UC campus near San Francisco on Jan. 13 and they have been there ever since. During the first week of the CAT scans, bone scans and bone marrow tests, it was found that Crystalyn had one large tumor in both eyes and three small ones behind her right eye. Jasmine was found to have one tumor behind her right eye and three small ones behind her left eye. The small ones have been frozen and both girls have been on radiation treatment for approximately six weeks. Crystalyn will be examined again in a few weeks to see if the radiation has been effective and if not she may need to undergo surgery or chemotherapy. lf these initial treatments are successful, the family will need to retum to the medical center every three months for possibly the next 18 months for re-examinations. This form of cancer strikes one in every 25,000 children. The specialist working with the twins believe this could be the first case known to ever strike twins at the same time in both eyes. aai The twins currently undergo radiation four times a week al

the medical center. They are staying with their mother and grandmother, Nellie Lutz, at the Koret Family House on the grounds of the University of San Francisco. This is a residential facility provided for families of children receiving treatment for cancer. They had hoped to return to Hawaii sometime after the first week in March for the girls' first baby luau in mid-March but this may be put on hold, according to friends associated with the family. The situation has naturally caused mounting expenses relative to the tremendous estimated hospita! and medical bills, housing while in San Francisco, daily living expenses, transportation and not to mention long distance phone bills. In this respect, a special fund has been established to kokua the family. It is being spearheaded by Kitty Iwamoto and Beacon Travel ine. Mrs. Iwamoto is the wife of Sonny Iwamoto, owner of Sonny's Tour, formerly of Robert's Hawaii ine. , active in the travel and transportation business in Hawaii and on the mainland. Contributions to the fund may be maiied in care of Friends of Crystalyn and Jasmine, P.O. Box 90900, Honolulu, Hawaii 96835. Kealoha, a native Hawaiian, is a cousin of Office of Hawaiian Affairs chairmap Joseph Kealoha. He is a bus driver with Robert's and formerly played music on the Waikiki scene. His mother, Marion, is the piano player at the Tahitian Lanai. Mrs. Bonnie Kealoha is a former staff member at Beacon Travel. The Kealohas also have a son, Justin, 3.