Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 3, 1 March 1985 — OHA Establishes Community Grants Program [ARTICLE]
OHA Establishes Community Grants Program
By Wendy RoyIo Hee Planning and Development Officer The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) is establishing a Community Grants Program coordinated by the Planning and Development Committee chaired by Trustee Rockne Freitas, and the Budget and Finance Committee chaired by Trustee Moses Keale. Approximately $225,000 will be available in July for funding native Hawaiian programs and services that further the goals and objectives of the OHA Master Plan, whieh are generally to: • Revive, enhanee, preserve and perpetuate the Hawaiian culture, as detailed in the OHA Culture Plan; • Promote opportunities for full participation of beneficiaries in society and promote self-determination and selfsufficiency; and • Promote full participation of the beneficiary community in the democratic process. OHA, established for the primary purpose of bettering the conditions of native Hawaiians and Hawaiians, is the principal public agency in Hawaii resp>onsible for the performance, deve!opment and coordination of programs and activities relating to all Hawaiians. OHA, however, cannot single-handedly meet the needs of all Hawaiians. It has neither the money nor the expertise to do so, but OHA ean and should work in cooperation with other groups and agencies who either already provide services to the Hawaiian community or are proposing to provide services that are currently unavailable or ineffective. OHA, therefore, has established the Community Grants Program to meet the objective of working with others to better the condition of Hawaiians. Application forms will be ready shortly so that OHA may review grant requests far in advance of the availability of funds
in July. Groups should eall the office (548-8%0) and leave their name and address if they are interested in receiving a copy of our grant application form when it is ready. The general rules and regulations for the Community Grants Program include: 1. Eligibility Requirements Eligibility for grant assistance is limited to organizations that meet the following criteria: a. profit organizations incorporated under State laws; or non-profit organizations with governing board that has no conflict of interest and serves without pay; b. have adopted by-laws; e. have at least 1 year's experience or equivalent; and d. that are licensed and accredited by the appropriate State agencies. (Applicants will have to submit papers documenting the above items.) 2. Conditions Applicants shall comply with the following conditions before receiving grants: a. Employ or have under contract qualified people; b. In the case of nonprofit organizations, no two or more members of a family of the first or second degree shall be employed or under contract to the applicant; e. For nonprofit organizations, any salary or employee benefit increases to be paid with OHA funds after the initial contract is signed, ean only be done with prior approval of the administrator; d. Only projects that benefit native Hawaiians (those who are at least 50% Hawaiian) ean be funded;
e. No OHA funds ean be used for personal entertainment or p>erks; f. Must comply with all laws; g. Must allow OHA access to records, reports, files and other documents in order to monitor and evaluate project; h. OHA prefers not to fund: — completed projects — project deficits — projects to build, remodel or maintain facilities — scholarships (There will be a separate OHA scholarship program). i. OHA prefers that all applicants seek funds from other sources in addition to OHA Although our application form is not finalized, we do know that the types of information we will need include, but are not limited to: — statement of objectives — estimate of target group size — description of activities — measures of effectiveness — operating cost — demonstration of viable past and projected performanee of applicants program, — analysis of all altematives, including the impact of not having the applicant's programs. Organizations interested in submitting a grant request to OHA's Community Grants Program should start preparing the above information now, since there may not be mueh time between the availability of applieahon forms and the deadline for grant request submission.