Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 3, 1 March 1985 — Deaf Hawaiians, Agencies to Meet [ARTICLE]
Deaf Hawaiians, Agencies to Meet
A followup in-service training workshop for agencies servicing deaf Hawaiians is tentatively planned for the end of March or early April. This followup training workshop is being scheduled hot on the heels of the first ever session held Jan. 11. That workshop proved so meaningful and successful that it prompted organizers to move on to a second one. Ruth Merz, planning and resource development officer of Alu Like, and Ed Wake, executive director of Hawaii Services on Deafness, are again coordinating the followup workshop. The upcoming workshop is being specifically geared to better acquaint the non-hearing Hawaiians with the many services the respective agencies have to offer. Agency representatives of this second phase workshop will be asked to give a 15-minute presentation on services they ean provide deaf Hawaiians and also distribute literature on their respective organizations. Special emphasis is being placed on visibility of the agencies and their services because of a surprising and somewhat embarrassing development at the first workshop when it was learned that none of the four participating deaf guests knew of the existence of Alu Like or the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. A planned fair is also in the works to further expose these Hawaiian organizations and others to the deaf Hawaiian community. Further details will be announced. OH A is seeking out deaf Hawaiian beneficiaries and would like them to contact Human Services Specialist Sam Holt at 567 S. King St., Honolulu, 96813. Anyone knowing of a deaf Hawaiian are asked to contact Holt, 548-8960.