Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1985 — Minority Business Forum [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Minority Business Forum

A forum for minority business people to meet with the majority business eommunity and the public sector to discuss mutual problems will be held at an awareness breakfast Wednesday, Feb. 20, in the East Room of the Pagoda Hotel.

lnquiries regarding the breakfast and the affair itself may be addressed to James Moa, Eeonomie Development Officer of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Moa encourages native Hawaiian and Hawaiian contractors to become interested in these activities and familiarize themselves with the minority utilization provision built into federal contracts in the Federal Contracting Program. Moa explained that by understanding that general contractors who receive federal contract awards are required by law to sub-

contract portions of their work to minorities, our people in the trade could benefit significantly. In addition, he pointed out, they will have an opportunity to expand their network and increase their chances to participate by meeting various federal eontract officers and general contractors.

The affair is sponsored jointly by the Minority Business Opportunity Committee and the General Contractors Association of Hawaii. It starts at 7:30 a.m. with registration and will be followed by a "superb breakfast buffet" at 8 a.m. Guest speaker is Alan Los Banos, GCAH Manager. There will also be a question and answer period. All interested participants must pay their own breakfast cost whieh is $9.50.