Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 February 1985 — OHA Takes 'Austere' Posture in Budget Proposal [ARTICLE]

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OHA Takes 'Austere' Posture in Budget Proposal

Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs at its December board meeting approved a proposed two-year operating budget whieh calls for no increase in staffing and maintains the general fund matching requirement at current levels. The conservative funding request, whieh was submitted

to the state legislature in early January, reflects the OHA board's continued effort to operate in a prudent and responsible manner. OHA is requesting only $1, 129,863 in general funds from the state legislature to support the operating expenses of the office. This amount will be matched by $1,370,841 in

OHA revenues from the Public Land Trust Fund. The total cost of the proposed budget is $2,500,734, and will cover the period from July 1, 1985 through June 30, 1987.

In his message to the legislature transmitting the budget proposal, OHA Chairman Joseph Kealoha stated that, "(T)his office is very cognizant of the uncertainty surrounding the state's revenue picture, and of the need to effectively manage and utilize our limited financial resources. In view of the serious budgetary constraints confronting the state, we have adopted a very austere posture in developing our biennium budget recommendations."

The funding request will be used to support the personnel and current expense requirements of the office for the next two years. Under the terms of the proposed budget OHA would maintain its current level of 33 authorized positions. Funding is also requested for the continuation of monthly issues of its newspaper, Ka Wai Ola O OHA. House and Senate hearings on the budget are currently underway.