Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 February 1985 — New Head, Body Types for You [ARTICLE]

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New Head, Body Types for You

If this issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA looks a little different to you, don't hurry off for an eye examination. Your eyes are not failing you. This issue does have a slightly different appearance, especially in the style of type used in the body , heads and captions. This is because the production work (typesetting, pasteup, illustrations, art, half tones, etc.) is now being done by Trade Publishing Company. Hawaii Hoiehi Ltd., will continue handling the printing and mailing of the newspaper. Hand distribution remains the volunteer function of some OHA staff members, including Community Resource Specialists on the neighbor islands.

An all new masthead, standing heads and other changes will make their debut in the March issue. Trade Publishing, incidentally, will also be in charge of the newspaper's advertising. All inquiries on advertising rates and details should be made directly to Trade at 848-0711. Ask for advertising representative Ron Williams who may also be reached at 486-0163. We brought you an all new Ka Wai Ola when we eame on board Jan. 23, 1984, on a five-month contract whieh subsequently has been extended twice, the last one expiring June 30, 1985. We hope you liked the changes, format, contents and appearance and we also hope you will enjoy the second "new look" eome March. Mahalo! — Kenny Haina, Editor