Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 February 1985 — Makahiki Expansion [ARTICLE]
Makahiki Expansion
An expanded food fair, possible adult participation and volleyba!l were among topics discussed for the 1985 Makahiki Games at the Jan. 17meetingofthe Makahiki Commission in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs conference room.
The Makahiki, whieh this year will be held at Kapiolani Park instead of Ala Moana Beach Park, is scheduled for the first weekend in August. Commissioners are undecided on whether to hold it on Friday, Aug. 2, or Saturday, Aug. 3. A decision is expected soon.
This will mark the third year of the Hawaiian games and events coordinated by OHA and the City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation. Only one organization — the Queen Liliuokalani Children's Center — participated in last year's food fair. Strong efforts are being
made this year to contact other farm organizations for their participation. Adult participation in the Hawaiian games, commissioners fe!t, would be a niee addition to the program. Adults, however, would participate at the end of the children's games.
Volleyball should turn out to be an important event because of possible participation in the South Pacific mini-games scheduled for September. Commission Chairman and OHA Trustee Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukui Sr. feels Hawaii could participate in this competition.
Discussions were also held on other events such as the kukini run, eanoe paddling, open water swim, and such topics as the opening ceremonies, Hawaiian craft fair, awards, finances, publicity, finances, souvenir booklet, security, entertainment and first aid station.