Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 10, 1 Kekemapa 1984 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The Maui Alu Like ine. provides Employment and Training for Native Americans (Hawaiian, American lndian, Eskimo and Aleut). If you are unemployed, underemployed or economically disadvantaged, eali 2429774. Or eome in and see us, at 1498-B Lower Main St. Wailuku. Ask for the 'lnlake Counselor'. FREE! MAHALO for your support of JEFFREY COAKLEY for OHA Big lsland Trustee. We appreciate your time, energy & personal resources. Congratulations to Moani Akaka. Paid for by Friends of Jeffrey Coakley, P.O. Box 4962, Kamuela, Hl 96743 FREE TRAVEL SERVICES. CALL 487-8620 MondaySaturday 9am-6pm PHASE II TRAVEL SERVICE 500 Pearlridge Center 2nd Floor inside DAIEI.