Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 10, 1 December 1984 — Kamaliʻi, Rosa Head List of Outstanding HCC Award Winners [ARTICLE]
Kamaliʻi, Rosa Head List of Outstanding HCC Award Winners
Hawaii State House of Representative-elect Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i of the Pnnee Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club was named the outstanding Hawaiian at the 25th silver anniversary of the State Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs convention Nov. 14-17 in Hilo's Afook-Chinen Civic Center. Other individuals and clubs were honored during the convention luau at the same location Nov. 17. The outstanding Hawaiian Civic Club member award went to Beatrice Hakaleleponi Luuwai Rosa of the Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club. Six persons were honored as outstanding non-Hawaiians — Honolulu Poliee Chief Douglas G. Gibb, Koolauloa; James and Betty Wheeler, Queen Emma; Jane M.K. Pang, Kaleponi; Robert Holden, Pearl Harbor; and Edward Storup, Pnnee Kuhio. Ainahau 'O Kaleponi Hawaiian Civic Club of Orange County, Calif., received the Prince Kuhio Award as the outstanding Hawaiian Civic Club. The Kamehameha Ekahi No'eau Award went to the Queen Emma club while the Ho'omau i Ka Hana Lima No'eau A Na Hawaii Award was presented to the Hawaiian Civic Club of Ka'u. All honored individuals and clubs were recognized for outstanding achievement in the community and to their respective clubs during the year. Kamali'i, who chaired the Native Hawaiians Study Commission and prepared and submitted the minority committee's report, was also honored forseveral other projects. She is founder and chairperson of Kaulana Na Pua Institute ine. and produced and directed a program in tribute to Queen Lili'uokalani earlier this year at the Waikiki Shell. Kamali'i also was keynote speaker at the queen's commemorative services at Kawaiahao Church. Kamali'i also conducted a native Hawaiian Rights Conference at The Kamehameha Schools and was featured in such magazines as National Geographic, Honolulu and Newsweek. Her other accomplishments are many and too lengthy to detail. Suffice it to say she has been very mueh involved and active on the loeal and national levels. Beatrice Rosa, known to family and friends as Bea, invariably introduced new projects as an active member of the Pearl Harbor club of whieh she is the past president. She is parliamentarian with the Pacific Palisades Community Association and is very active in the University Extension Club and American Cancer Society movement. She is a past president of her UE Club and serves as second vice president of the Oahu Council of UE Clubs. She is chairperson of the Central-Leeward unit of the cancer society's annual World's Greatest Garage and Plant sale whieh is being held soon at the Neal Blaisdell Center exhibition hall. Bea has also been directly involved with the annual Kamehameha Day parade. decorating floats, providing logistics and recruiting participants. She has been a cancer volunteer at health fairs and fund raising events and was named an outstanding volunteer by the society. These are but a few of her activities. Bea and her husband, Caesar, are the parents of three sons and three daughters and they are grandparents of six.