Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 10, 1 Kekemapa 1984 — Family Stories Featured [ARTICLE]
Family Stories Featured
"Talking Story with Nona Beamer: Stories of a Hawaiian Family," by Winona Desha Beamer is a collection of several generations of Hawaiian family stories as told and loved by the renowned Beamer family. This is a new book by Bess Press of Honolulu and is ideal forstudents in Hawaiian culture and
history courses as well as the language arts. The book, whieh sells through loeal bookstores for $8.95, is pub!ished in hard cover library binding and makes a wonderful gift or addition to any Hawaiiana library. Eaeh of the 12 stories, as well as the four-color cover, is beautifully illustrated by Marilyn Kahalewai.