Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 9, 1 November 1984 — Casey Foundation Seeks Hawaiian Foster Homes [ARTICLE]
Casey Foundation Seeks Hawaiian Foster Homes
A new agency in Hawaii is looking for Hawaiian families to pro\ ide permanent long-term foster homes for children ages Five to 15.
The Casey Family Program, a privately funded agency established in July, 1966, in Seattle, Wash. by the board of trustees of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, has established its Hawaii office at 320 Ward Ave., Suite 207, telephone 521-9531.
The foundation tries whenever possible to match the racial backgrounds of the child and his foster family. Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui is a member of the foundation's advisory board.
The loeal staff includes Linda A. Santos, director; Mary T. Chung, social worker; Cheryl O. MaePherson, foster home developer; and Jennifer Higgins, administrative secretary.