Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 9, 1 Nowemapa 1984 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

For an Improved Public Sehool & Public Library System Re-Elect ■U -I Dr. Hatsuko F. Kawahara Oahu Member at Large Active Experienced

Endorsed by Margaret Apoand Rev. Darrow Aiona. Paid l'or by Friends of Dr. Hatsuko F. Kawahara. P. O. Box 22687. Honolulu. Hawaii, 96822

| OHA ls Constitutional! | I 'KE SUTTON I Gave You OHA in y ĒX£'l% 'iMk 1980. Born in Hawaii. ■ I ām f 42 Years in Nuuanu. I | / JĒk Stanford Law School | \ 89 33rd Dist'— 1 Papakolea | |B I Paid for by Aikanes of | gJ iu&im 3539 Kahawalu Dr. | §W AllWl Hon., Hl 96817



L Who called the Native Hawaiian Study Commission a ^ ^ "boondoggle" and tried to kill it? * •k Who then stacked theCommission with low-level federal * * bureaucrats? * * Who cut Alu Like funds by 40%? * £ Who is trying to pay for the federal deficit by selling ^ ^ ceded lands without compensating Hawaiians? + * DO YOU WANT FOUR MORE YEARS? * * WE DESERVE BETTER! * ■¥ w Paiel for by Hawaiians for Mondale/Ferraro ^ J P. O. Box 419, Pearl City, Hl 96782 *