Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 8, 1 October 1984 — 25 Candidates Vie for OHA Board [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
25 Candidates Vie for OHA Board
Tanny Makanani Cazimero Profile not received
Educatlon: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Attended Redlands University; University of Hawaii. Major Electric engineering; aeronautics and marine navigation. Holds licenses in U. S. Merchant Marine and with Federal Aviation Administration. Current employment: Self-employed as operator of own businesses. Political or Governmentai Offices held: U. S. Department of Commerce eouneilman; State of Hawaii advisor to governor on marine affairs. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? To preserve the unparalleled office OHA is and to foster development of its great potential of service by identifying a clear course for its future. OHA cannot serve all of its constituency from its present sources of ineome. Others must be devised. My experience in public work may be valuable in designing direction to serve all constituents through funding programs. lmportantly, there is a long standing need for the best use of land and water to provide for affordable housing whieh impacts on native Hawaiians.
Education: Graduate, Pahoa Elementary and High School. Attended University of Hawaii-Hilo and Hawaii Community College. Major: Liberal arts. Field of study: Geography, hotel operations, Hawaiian. Current employment: Secretarytreasurer, Hawaii Faith Deliverance Center. Previous employment: Auditor eight years in hotel industry. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? To educate, inform and create an effective work incentive program. Education is a major factor for perpetuation in righteousness of any ethnical society; to keep the Hawaiian public well informed about OHA and to end the paternalistic style of living by creating a sense of independence among the Hawaiian people. To create self-deter-mination and build up self esteem. With the creation of OHA, the people of Hawaii affirmed their commitment to the Hawaiian people to address their needs and better their condition— an interest that I intend to promote and protect.
Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Graduated from University of Hawaii, Manoa. Majors: Elementary education, Hawaiian studies. Minor: History. Fields of study: Early childhood education; Hawaiian language; Hawaiian culutre. Degrees: 8achelor of Education degree with professional diploma. Current employment: Department of Education. district resource teacher with kupuna project. Previous employment: The Kamehameha Schools. Politlcal or governmental offlces held: Attended presidential classroom for Young Americans, 1973; testified against the building of the H-3 highway in Washington. D.C Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I believe people want a change. Hawaiians want solutions now— solutions, especially, to ensure a better tomorrow for our youth As an educator, I would press for solutions through cooperation and harmony as well as progressive changes that would benefit us down the road. As a trustee, I feel we must be knowledgeable in the culture and fluent in the language. How else ean we elicit support if those two things are not important enough to know ourselves With my culture and language background coupled with my educational and managerial experience, I feel I could be of great service as a trustee
Education: Graduated from Kaimuki High School. Attended University of HawaiiManoa. Major: Education. Minor: Music. Current employment: Self-employed, doing na mea o Hawaii (things Hawaiian). Previous employment: MTL ine. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I do not expect someone else to "get the job done" to my expectations without first being willing to do it myself. I followed OHA's creation through the 1978 Constitutional Convention, did research and concluded that the language is limiting and should be improved. But its implementation isa step in the right direction for justice to be achieved because of the illegal overthrowof the Hawaiian government in 1893. To me the question is not if the United States had a role in the illegal overthrow. The question is: "How do you work things out amicably with all parties concerned, the United States, the State of Hawaii, et al, and achieve justice for the Hawaiian people?" I wasan OHA candidatein 1980 and again in 1982. It is now 1984 and I am onee more offering my skills, talents, knowledge, commitment and aloha to help "get the job done." Owau me ka lokahi. Mahalo nui loa.
Educat!on: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Graduated from University of California at Berkeley. Major: Art and Education. Minor: History. Fields of study: Art and Education. Degrees: Bachelor of Arts. Current employment Retired. Previous employment: Personnel officer, federal government. Political or Governmental offices held: Former trustee, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1980-82. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I feel that I am fully qualified for the office since I was one of the original trustees. There is a lot of work to be done in theareas of eeonomie development and education. Mueh time has been lost in the past in the office and I believe I ean help make up for some of the programs that have floundered in the past.
Education: School of Hard Knocks. Fields of Study: Safety, training, labor, community affairs, Society of Safety Engineer, Occupational Safety and Health, safety, labor and training consultant, union counselor. Current employment: Self-employed (Teddy Lii's Safety Consultant). Previous employment: United Public Workers (trouble shooter and union representative). Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I am a candidate for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees for the following reasons. I have leadership as a labor and strike consultant. I have been aconsultantin occupational safety and health for both the state and federal agencies. I am president of the Beretania Neighborhood Community Center Council, BNCC Community Patrol and United CB'ers of Hawaii. I am the retired president of the Sons of Hawaii Motorcycle Club, advisor to same and founderand advisorof the Daughtersof Hawaii Motorcycle Club. I am also the founder of the Motorcycle, Bicycle, Moped and Cushman Driver Training School (BNCC School of Vehicles) and commissioner of the Oahu Traffic Safety Council. Other honors: Recognition for outstanding community volunteer work; State
Education: Graduated from Hilo High School. Graduated from University of Hawaii. Major: Education. Minon Physical education. Fields of study: Social studies; Health and Physical Education. Degrees: Master's in education. Current employment: Semi-retired, fulltime OHA trustee-at-large. Previous employment Vice presidentand general agent, insurance. Political or Governmental Offices held: U. S. marshall, State of Hawaii. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee?
There have been many programs whieh we have started and I would like the opportunity to continue and complete them. There is mueh work to be done and I have gained the experience and know-how to carry out these projects. As chairman of the Committee on Health and Human Resources, we have been eonfronted with a multitude of Hawaiian concerns. These include a social services survey for Hawaiians; Hina Mauka aleohol program; street law program involving juveniles; cancer research; college grant-in-aid; employment service; Casey Foundation foster home; alternative to incarceration; and the Makahiki Hawaiian sports and games. I believe Hawaii's greatest resources are its lands and people. The proper preservation, use and control of presently held native Hawaiian landsand the return of other lands whieh rightfully belong to the Hawaiian people are important because Hawaiians draw their cultural and eeonomie strength and heritage from their lands. Our youth must be developed through sound education because they are one of our most valuable future assets. We must develop workable programs whieh will enable Hawaiians to participate equally in employment, education and government. There must be a unified effort to achieve these objectives in an organized and rational manner.
Senate and City Council proclamations for same; Teddy Lii Day proclaimed by Honolulu Mayor; Honolulu Advertiser Jefferson Award winner; Hawaii Bar Association Liberty Bell winner; Department of Parks and Recreation certificate for outstanding volunteer work; certificate of appreciation from National Safety Council. All volunteer work was done with no eompensation. Knowing I have helped others has been satisfactory compensation. These experiences and knowledge gained from working with others makes me qualified as an OHA trustee. My type of background is needed on the OHA board.
George Hookano (This Old Nlan) Profile not received
Louis (Buzzy) Agard
Milliam Kelii Kekaula
Keith Kalani Akana
Velma P. Kekipi
Rov L. Benham
Samuel fTeddvi Lii
Thomas (Tommy) Kaulukukui
i At-Larae 1
Richard Pomaikai Kinney Prof\le nol received George Hoolu Mia ProJīle noi received
Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Attending Kapiolani Community College with majors in finance and accounting and a minor in law. Fields of study: Hawaiian history, feather leis, kahili. Current employment: Duty Free Shoppers. Previous empioyment: Territorial Savings and Loan. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? Leadership should be brought into the organization. When the minority stifles the majority and stops progress and no one does anything to correct this, then something is wrong. When tough situationsarise, leaders must take charge of the situation no matter how unpopular or unpleasant. My five years at Territorial Savings taught me that a strong financial base must be achieved in order to accomplish our goals. I possess that knowledge and leadership. I advocate stopping the State condemnation law affecting The Kamehameha Schools and Bishop Estate. I will work to peacefully achieve the 20 percent ceded lands monies from airports, harbors, etc., so we may be self-sufficient and given our constitutional rights.
Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Attended Kapiolani Community College, University of Hawaii. Current employment: Self-employed. Entertainer, artist, real estate broker, art gallery and hula studio owner Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? For two reasons. First, I am Hawaiian and I care. Because of my deep concern for the welfare and future of the Hawaiian people, such as myself, and rather than grumbling or just criticizing, I prefer to put all my knowledge, experience, qualifications and efforts "where my mouth is." Second, OHA needs to be represented by both men and women trustees. In this enlightened day and age, it is difficult to imagine depriving the Board of Trustees of the services of qualified women. A board that is slanted in one particular direction cannot be truly representative of all the Hawaiian people. My educational background, the experienee of owning my own business and producing and directing stage productions has given me the necessary administrative, managerial, budgeting and eommunieations skills necessary to be an effective trustee. In order to accomplish what we Hawaiians want, we need a strong effective OHA— one that will persist, insist and resist if need be.
Current employment: Administrator, Moanalua Gardens Foundation. Previous employment: 16 years government employee; 12 in Frist Circuit Court. Marital status: Married, mother of seven adult children, Liko Martin, Neumann, Sri, Dari, Dana, Pono and Sy. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? The Office of Hawaiian Affairs needs responsible Hawaiian leaders who: • Know that to assume public office, is to assume a position of public trust. • Understand the distinction between administrative and policy-making functions. • Clarify issues, encourage eommunieation and enable the formulation of sound, intelligent decisions. • Bring people of conflicting positions together to negotiate and reconcile their differences. • Are independent thinkers — decisive and fair. • Are humble, sensitive, caring. I have been this kind of leader asa government employee and former member, HGEA Board of Directors; vice-president and presiding officer, YWCA of the United States (Western Region); vice president, YWCA of Oahu; and presently as director of Alu Like's Oahu lsland Multi-Service Board. I will bring these leadership qualities to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. My ideals and values represent the essence of a political heritage from my family of Heens, whose dedication to public service in Hawaii covers a period of more than 60 years.
I Hawaii 1
i Hawaii 1
Education: Attended The Kamehameha Schools, graduated from Vacaville (Calif.) High School. Attended City College of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, University of Hawaii-Manoa, UH-Hilo. Major: Sociology. Minor: Political science. Field of study: Hawaiian Ethnic Study (taughtfirst Hawaiian Ethnics Studyclassat UH-Manoa.) Current employment: Organizerfor Aloha Aina; grass roots organizer; leader of Protect Kahoolawe Ohana. Political office held: Consultant for ANA (Administration for Native Americans). Assist in makfng recommendations for programs to help Hawaiians become economically and culturally more self sufficient. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? Assure more and better communication and accountabi lity between trustees and the Hawaiian people. OHA should be helping to establish native Hawaiian rights. Civil rights lawyers attending the Hawaiian Legal Conference sponsored by OHA stated: "We have no native Hawaiian rights unless we elaim them!" This is OHA's responsibility; in Washington state, lndians geta percentage of every fish caught there. Ceded lands should be given out in long term leases for families to live on. These and other resources legally belong to the Hawaiian people and if OHA does not go after them, we lose again. OHA was set up "to help better the conditions of the Hawaiian people." I intend to see that it does just that; that we self-determine our own future and destiny. OHA is supposed to be advocates for justice for the Hawaiian people, and I have been just that since we started the Hawaiian movement in Kalama Valley on Oahu in 1970. Asleaderof the Hilo Airport incident in 1978, we now bring in over one-half million dollars a year in rent for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono! Piilani C. Desha Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Attended University of Hawaii-Hilo. Current employment: Semi-retired. Serving as OHA trustee for Hawaii island. Previous employment: State Department of Education; UH Peaee Corps. Politicai or Governmental offices held: Trustee, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1982-84, filling unexpired term. Appointed by President Ford to three-year term (1975-78), to Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Service. Reappointed by President Carter for another year. Was thefirst person to serve a two-year term as chairperson of the committee. Appointed by Carter to serve three-year term on President's Committee on Women (1978-1981). Resigned in 1979 for personal reasons. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? My first commitment to our Hawaiian eonstituency and to the people of this state is honesty. I do not make deals whieh I feel are dishonest and are not in the best interests of all Hawaiians and the communities in whieh we live. Secondly, I am totally committed to organization and the establishment and implementation of policiesand procedures. OHA programs and projects will not succeed unless better organization takes plaee. Currently, it seems that established policies and procedures are used only as a matter of convenience. I shall continue to work forall Hawaiians so together we ean prove that we ean manage our affairs in a responsible manner.
Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Attended Leeward Community College; College of San Mateo. Fields of study: Conflict management; interaction moderating. Current employment: Alu Like ine., eommunity specialist. Prevlous employment: Hawaii County Eeonomie Opportunity Council, education assistant; Lapakahi State Park, archaeological assistant; Hawaii Biogenics, heavy equipmentforeman; U. S. Army, surveyorin Vietnam. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? As a community specialist for Alu Like ine. for the past seven years, I have had the opportunity to work closely with our Hawaiian people on the Big lsland. I've gained a broad knowledge of the problems and concerns that confront us; problems that require an understanding of Hawaii's history, culture and lifestyle. My strength liesin myabilitytocommunicate and work well with others to get the job done. My training in conflict management, problem solving and moderating techniques have been effective in addressing communityconcernsand I feel theskillsand training l've gained would be an asset to the OHA trusteeship. I believe in being professional, objective and respectful of otherpeople'sviews. I also believe that intelligent decisions are made by listening to varied opinions, researching eaeh problem and examining both sides of an issue. I pledge to be accessible, responsive to your needs and to work hard for the betterment of our Hawaiian people. Everett (Sonny) Kinney Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Graduated from University of Hawaii. Major: Human geography. Minor: Social geography. Fields of study: Social processes in Hawaii; urban planning; spatial organization. Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in geography, sociology, liberal studies (eommunity organization). Current employment: Kinney Company, Puna Hui Ohana. Previous employment: Queen Liliuokalani Children's Center. Political or Governmental Offices: State Energy Functional Plan Advisory Committee; Geothermal Advisory Committee; Department of Planning and Eeonomie Development; Mayor of Manorhaven, N. Y., for 13 years. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I am a candidate because I care about OHA and the Hawaiian people; care about our ceded lands, historic sites, culture, autonomy, reparations, native rights, education, eeonomie opportunities and all that guaranteed to us by law, tradition and binding agreement to enhanee the dignity and quality of life for our people. My affiliations with the Puna Hui Ohana, Pa'a Pono, Alu Like, Friends of Kamoa Point, the Puna Burial Caves, Mikana II, Keaukaha-Panaewa Farmers, Young Hawaiians of Puna, Ahamokupuni, Kalana Honua, Hawaiian Parents Society, Ahahui Ho'oponopono Inoa O Hawaii and the New Zealand Geothermal/Cultural Research explain this commitment. As a social consultant, interim OHA trustee, community organizer, research project director (geothermal) and former Mayor, I will bring planning, negotiation, administrative and organizational skills to assist in making OHA more responsive to the needsof ourpeople. Alohaand mahaloa nui loa.
Ainsley Ulu Seto
Varoa Tiki
Marion Healani Heen Shim
Piilani C. Desha
Everett (Sonny) Kinney
Moanikeala (Edwina) Akaka
Jeffrey Kalani Coakley
' 1 i <d i 1
Education: Qraduated from Waimea High School Attended Kauai Community College, major in accounting. Graduated from Hard Knocks University. Current employment: OHA trustee, Kauai and Niihau. Previous employment: State of Hawaii Departmentof Social Servicesand Housing. Activities: Completed Hawaii Army National Guard Officers' Candidate School; Hawaiian language instructor. Why do you feel you should De an OHA trustee?
I am committed to the betterment of our people and my past service to OHA reflects that commitment. The experience and skills I have displayed as chairman, vice chairman, chairman of the Budget and Finance committee and of the State Historieal Preservation Task Force are: leadership, firm decision-making, organization, budgeting and working with otheragencies and people. As a resident of Hawaiian Homes homestead land and a fluent speaker of the Hawaiian language. I know and feel the difficulties we face in this state I have always advocated for greater participation of Hawaiians in state, national and international affairs, the use of Hawaiian language and culture This is why I worked for the establishment of a working relationship and recognition of Hawaiian people by the South Pacific Commīssion, Pacific lsland Development Program, South Pacific Games and native peoples of the Pacific islands and American lndians. I also pushed for the passage of a bill in our legislature to enforce the preservation and protection of Hawaiian sites and artifacts Another four years will bring about more of these positive aspects of OHA for Hawaiians and I want to be a part of that effort.
£ducation: Graduated from Roosevelt High School, Attended University of San Francisco; Windward Community College. Current employment: Realtor associate with Hanohano Realty, Pearl City. Previous employment Put in 30 plus years of federal employment in Hawaii and Northern California.Retired in May, 1982,as personnel management specialist with the Veterans Administration in Hawaii. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? i feel an OHA trustee must possess and displayalmostallof thefollowing characteristics, i. e., wisdom, courage, tact, sincere eoneem for others, humbleness, confidence, trust, emotional stability, leadership and the sinceredesire to serve with honesty. For the past year and in particular the last month, I watched with mueh eoneem and great disappointment the demonstrated unprofessional manner of behavior displayed by the majority trustees in executing their responsibilities. It was most evident they laek almost all of the qualities I consider essential as a respected OHA trustee must have This performance resulted in not only their inability to fulfill the primary responsibility of Fiduciary of Hawaiian Affairs but the adverse impact imposed upon the Hawaiian community and the State of Hawaii. For these reasons I feel they should not eonlinue to remain in the position as leaders to service the Hawaiian community.
j Molokai 1
Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Graduated from Armstrong Business College (Business degree); University of California Berkeley (Bachelor of Arts in Zoology); UC Berkeley (Master of Arts in Anatomy); UC Davis (Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology); University of Hawaii Law School (Doctor of Jurisprudence in law). Current empioyment: Recent law school graduate; will soon open practice of law. Previous employment: U. S. District Court, clerk's office, Honolulu; Department of Health, Kaunakakai; UC Berkeley, teaching assistant; UC Davis, research assistant; National lnstitutes of Health (Fellow); lowa State University, Ames, lowa, professor of physiology 10 years. Community Activities: Hoolehua Congregational Church; Hoolehua Homestead Farmers Association; Kamehameha Schools Association, Molokai; Molokai Chamber of Commerce. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I feel that I should be an OHA trustee because I ean offer my knowledge and experience as an educational innovator, as a health scientist and as an attomey. I want to contribute toeconomic development for Hawaiians in the form of business ownership and employment. I was born and raised on a Hoolehua homestead, worked in the pineapple fields, thoroughly familiarized myself with agricultural practices while at the universities in Davis and Ames, and I have a natural love for farming. I was often helped along the way. Now I am ready to give back to the Hawaiian eommunity.
Education: Graduated from The Kamehameha Schools. Graduated from the University of California at Davis. Major: Agricultural engineer. Minor: Meehanieal engineer Degree: Meehanieal engineer. Current employment: Self-employed (engineering consultant). Previous employment: U. S. Department of Agriculture. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I feel as an OHA trustee we should focus on Hawaiian culture. Since federally f unded monies are availab!e, we should assist ali ethnic groups. However, since the aim of OHA is to assist the Hawaiians, then we should be helping the Hawaiian children who are trying hard to get ahead. This kind of kokua should be geared to āll Hawaiian children whether they are at two or four-year college levels or even in vocational schooling. Raymond Kaleiokapono Lasco Profile not received
Education: Graduated from Hilo High Schooi. Graduated from University of Hawaii; Ball State University, Muneie, lnd. Degrees: Bachelor of arts in sociology; Master's degrees in sociology and counseling. Current employment: City and County of Maui, County Services Administrator, Molokai. Previous employment: Recreation director, City and County of Honolulu; employment counselor, lndiana State Employment Service; human services center manager, 3tate of Hawaii; mayor's administrative assistant, County of Maui; director of Parks and Recreation, County of Maui; county administrator, Molokai-Lanai, County of Maui. Also was a teacher, eonstruction worker, salesman and fisherman. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? Cooperation. This is the base from whieh I will work. I feel an OHA trustee should be responsive to the needs of the Hawaiian beneficiary. In fulfilling these needs, we need the cooperation of all trustees. I have government and community expenenee to more than adequately respond to the requests of our beneficiaries. There are programs to be carried out and I am sure I ean play a major role in helping to fulfill these goals. There are needs out there among our beneficiaries and this is where cooperation is vitally important if we are to be successful. I am a full-blooded Hawaiian. ! grew up and played with Hawaiians. i have lived among Hawaiians most of my life. ! am pledged to serve ALL Hawaiians.
Education: Graduated from Farrington High School. Attended Kapiolani and Honolulu Community Colleges. Fields of study: Business, accounting and Hawaiian studies. Previous employment: Office of Hawaiian Affairs (governmental affairs division). Political or governmental offices held: Waimanalo Neighborhood 8oard. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? If elected the OHA trustee to represent Molokai, my commitment to our people will be to bring our people together, continually informing, educating and working with the Molokai Hawaiian community to further develop and reinforce Molokai's Hawaiian political base. I believe that when we accomplish this goal and our people begin to move and lobby in an organized and structured fashion, we will begin to envision all of our dreams from our Na Kupuna to our Na Kama'iki, eventually to become a reality from whieh a trustee ean perceive a mueh clearer direction always from a firm and sound political foundation— You!
Moses K. (Moke) Keale
Liiwela Naukana Zablan
Yola Noelani Meyer Forbes
imi —w: — "wwm m w - w &m. Jack Noble Iaea Jr.
Louis Hao
Radine Kawahine Kamakea