Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 8, 1 October 1984 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
; sgxggggggggaagggggsgg YOLA MEYER 3^ OHA TRUSTEE - Molokai ! ' 's cornm'tte^ to use her ! ! [ tL ? academic background to J ! scrve thc Hawaiian People. ! ! PA1D FOR BY FR1ENDS OF ! ! YOLA NOELANI FORBES \
VOTE RON NAKANO for SCHOOL BOARD "Our children must be able to compete favorably in the job market and/or to attend institutions of higher learning." Education: • B A.. Economics University of Hawaii »McKinley High School Experience: ■ f • Assistant Superintendent Department of Education • Management Analyst • Assistant Retirement System \ Administrator (ERS) A |b| • Budget Analyst Personal: , mmĒ • Age: 41, married ali three children attend puhlie school "Ron Nakano. as a part Hawaiian, understands the concerns and desires of, and is totalIy committed to the advocacy of minorities." . . . Margaret Apo Paid for by Friends of Ron N'akano Rev. Darrow Aiona