Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 7, 1 September 1984 — Museum Gets Mellon Grant [ARTICLE]
Museum Gets Mellon Grant
The Pacifc Regional Conservation Center (PRCC), a department of Bishop Musem, was recently awarded $128,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. It is one of the largest grants ever received by the museum from a mainland foundation and will aid in the conservation treatment of paintings and ethnographic materials whieh were previously sent to the mainland for treatment -a costly and risky under-taking foralready fragile works of art. The grant will aid in the purchase ol' equipment and pro\ ide partial salary support during the first year of operation. The grant will also make possible the computeri/ation of Center records. The Center is the conservation facility for 41 member museums and libraries in Hawaii and the Pacific area, all of whieh will benefit from this expanded service.