Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 7, 1 Kepakemapa 1984 — Hale Naua III Artists Join Makahiki Program [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hale Naua III Artists Join Makahiki Program
Makahi O Ke Kau or Season of the One-eyed Mesh Net was the theme used by Hawaiian artists of Hale Naua III in their first exhibition held in conjunction with thesecond annuai Ka Makahiki Na Paani Hawaii Aug. 2-4 at Ala Moana Beach Park's McCoy Pavilion. A private showing of the exhibition was held Aug. 2 for invited guests. Contemporary and traditional images of the Makahiki season were featured by Hawaiian artists at the guest exhibition whieh was open for public showing Aug. 3 and 4. This marked the first time that artists of Hale Naua III, Society of Hawaiian Arts, joined the Makahiki festivities whieh was started last year by Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui Sr. Awards for Best Hawaiian Impressions were noted on three of the exhibits following judging Aug. 4. They were works by A.C. Kahekiliuila Lagunero, "Koko O Ka Maoloha," (The Net of Maoloha), graphite; Charlotte M. Kauanoe Fremeaux, "Ka Huaka'i O Ke Akua Poko." (The Female Procession of the Akua Poko), graphite; and M.I. Dunne, "Alia," (Kapu Staffs). Following entertainment by Chubby Mahoe and his St. Andrew's Cathedral Hula Academy, there was a prayer offered by Tyrone Reinhardt who also blessed the entrance to the exhibit. Kaulukukui and Ainsley Ululehua Seto, a director of Hale Naua III, then untied a lei acrciss the entrance to olficially open the exhibits. Seto accompanied the group and explained eaeh exhibit in detail. He also answered several questions. Reinhardt, who works with the
Hawaiiana unit of the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Parks and Recreation, is also an ordained minister. His home church is the United Church of Christ in Kaulanapueo on Maui. Charles Ane, vice commissioner of Ka Makahiki Na Pa'ani Hawaii Commission, was master of ceremonies. Rocky Ka'iouliokahihikolu Jensen is director of Hale Naua 111. Cookies and refreshments were served by OHA staff members Lisa Uneiano, Winona Spillner and Christine Valles.
Ainsley Ululehua Seto, right, and OHA Trustee and Makahiki Commission Chairman Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui Sr., untie lei officially opening the Hale Naua III exhibition of Hawaiian art at McCoy Pavilion.