Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 7, 1 September 1984 — 1984 Festivities Honor Three [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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1984 Festivities Honor Three

The 1984 Ka Makahiki Na Paani Hawaii booklet honored the memories of James Kaohu Bacon and Moroni Medeiros for their dedication to the perpetuation of Hawaiian sports and games in Hawaii. Bacon was a member of the Makahiki Commission and Medeiros was an honorary commissioner. Both men passed away earlier this year. The games themselves were dedicated to Charles W. Kenn who is described as "a living treasure" for his lifelong interest and devotion to perpetuating Hawaiian sports and games and Hawaiian culture as a whole. Kenn, 77, lives on Oahu. He is eonsidered one of the greatest storehouses of knowledge about Hawaii, its people and its past. He is recognized as an expert and authority on Hawaiian sports and games and it was through his efforts the Makahiki celebration of old was revived. A detailed account of Kenn's life and how he has been involved in Hawaiian games and sports, including the Makahiki, is detailed in the center spread of the 1984 program whieh was distributed at the games.

Charles W. Kenn