Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 6, 1 ʻAukake 1984 — Autonomy: Right to Self Government [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Autonomy: Right to Self Government
By Walter Ritte Trustee, Moloka'i
It has been a eonstant battle to preserve and enhancethe autonomy of this office for the betterment of Hawaiians. The state's position on this issue was ex-
pected as they want to have control over the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The unexpected battle has been within our office among the trustees. Five trustees (Moses Keale, Piilani Desha, Rockne Freitas, Gard Kealoha and Thomas Kaulukukui), who eall themselves the majority, have decided to side with the state on this issue. They also have decided not to recognize the autonomy issue. Now, instead of the Hawaiians ehallenging the state for internal control of OH A, the Hawaiians are fighting Hawaiians as the "majority" sides with the state — the same state whieh refuses to
give Hawaiians their entitlement of approximately S 1 0 to $20 million a year. This is the same state whieh also calls OHA unconstitutional. The willingness to "sellout" our autonomy for state intervention should not be tolerated. 1 have sworn an allegiance to the state constitution and to uphold the laws of
this state. This does not mean I act as a state robot and not question laws whieh are detrimental to the future of Hawaiians. More importantly, I have sworn an allegiance to the Hawaiian people. the land, the air and the water of this plaee called Hawaii. 1 plan to continue my efforts and work towards the betterment of Hawaiians. 1 will need your vocaI support and kokua. If you believe in my efforts and would like to kokua, please write me at P.O. Box 486, Kaunakakai, Molokai 96748. Mahalo to all of you for your continued eoncern and support.
As a rcmindcr, this is the oath of reaffirmation laken by OHA trustccs. "7, Wahcr Rittc Jr.. trustcc of ihe Office of Hawaiian Affairs, hcrcby rcaffirm my commitmcnt to thc Hawaiian people. In doing so, I humbly aeeepi ihe responsibility givcn me bv Na Poe O Hawaii nei. / will remcmbcr and honor God, my kupuna, na 'A ina, na kahakai, na moana, na e'a and all thc natural elemcnts whieh sustain and nourish our people. I hcrcby eommil myself lo work carncstly wiih my fcllow trustccs in your beha!f, to listcn with an open mind, to spcak with an honcst hcart and to carry out mv rcsponsibilitics with wisdom, humility and strcngth. These things 1 do solcmnly swear. "